In front of Barking Dog - Sometimes, something happens unexpectedly!

in Knack4buzz6 days ago

Greetings everyone, how are you? I hope you are fine and doing well. Today, I am going to post about sometimes, something happens unexpectedly, a contest run by our beloved @sahar78.


Photo by honggyu kim

This is about dogs, bites, and vaccination. There is a period in our country, Bangladesh when the rate of dog biting increases significantly. It's the time of mid-October to mid-November when biting by dogs rate increases.

I work for a Pharmacy and I am a C-grade pharmacist. One day, a phone call came to our pharmacy number, and from the other side, a person was crying that her 8-year-old son was bitten by a dog. She urged us to go to her home and give vaccination to his son. I advised her that until I reached her place, she should wash the biting place with detergent soap so that if there were any rabies left, it would be destroyed. I noted her address properly, took my ice bag, put a Rabies vaccine into it, and left for her place.

I reached there, checked the wound place, and ready the vaccine. Then I put it in the muscles and write down the schedule of the upcoming four vaccines. I advised them to follow the day and don't miss the schedule of the vaccine. And I left that was to come back.

When I was on my way back to the pharmacy, I was in a little bit of a hurry. And then the most fearable things happened. Four dogs were lying on the road. I crossed three of them who were lying together. But when I was about to cross the last dog, she started barking at me. She was in front of me, and the three who were behind my back also stood up and started barking. At that time, I was surrounded by dogs and waiting for them to start biting me. But there was a little thing I know from my childhood: if ever a dog is standing in front of you and waiting to bite you, that means he/she is checking if you are you are a good or bad human. If they detect you as a good one, they leave you, and if they detect you as a bad one, they will bite you. I remembered those things, putting my hands up and just standing. Watching them, what are they doing?

The leader dog, who was in front of me, was watching me for a long. They all stop barking and looking at me. After a few moments, she left me alone and joined the others. I was about to put my hands down and start slowly walking. They did not bark from my back. I was sure that they believed me, and I came back to the pharmacy.

I would like to invite @impersonal, @fabiha, and @midha to participate.


I also faced similar situation when I entered in a lane talking over phone. When i was leaving the lane three dogs started barking at me. I don't try to stop them but while I was crossing the vehicle it attempted to bite me from the back. I felt the touch of its mouth in my ankle. Anyhow it couldn't bite me. I normally don't enter any unknown lane anymore. Wish you succeed in the contest.