she only sees him with pity and takes advantage of him again and again.
After reading the post , the first thing that came my mind is the contrast between a good mother and a bad girlfriend.
When we’re in love, we don’t see any red flags. No matter the advice they will give to us, whether it is coming from a family member or friend, we don’t see any wrong in our partner… but when you guys finally get married, you start seeing the faults we ignored.
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Are you telling this because you are unmarried? There are bad moms too breaking sweet girlfriends. The question is with whom you want to live for tje rest of your life? If it is your mother don't get married.
No one forces to take a gf back.
Hi friend 🤗 in Forrest's case it was different because of his condition,he only saw the good in people,he was a beautiful human being.