SEC S19W3-My life in paranormal "Spirit of dark forest"

in Knack4buzzlast month

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"Spirit of dead forest" digital art by @myskye



Hello my dear Steemians,


Today I wanted to write for this challenge that is running by Knack4buzz Community here is the link if you are also interested:

The topic of paranormal is one of my favourite that is why I decided to create a fiction story for this theme


"Spirit of dead forest"


This was a hot summer and three friends who stayed this summer at home rather than to travel with family felt bored. On one hand they were angry about their parents who preferred to work rather than to go to holiday but they also did understand that this is very important so that they can allow their modern computer digests that parents bought them as compensation for staying at home.

One day when they took their bikes for a little trip, they decided to travel a bit longer and arrived to a place where the path ended and it was like a tall big wall. Instead of wall though it there were tall evergreen trees, that were growing so close together that it was no light penetrating through the branches and looking under on ground you could see that there were no plants at all as well as there were no insects, no bird and no live.

Three friends decided to see what is in that forest, it was still a day just 2Pm and they did not have any worries about anything, it is 21st century and they were not little kids they did not believe in fairy tales.

While they cycled further in the depth of forest, it became dark and misty, it was like it turned immediately from day to night. Everything around was tree, tall and dark. It was very quite and the friends decided to make jokes so that it is not scary, they laughed and one of them fell on ground that made others laugh and they all were rolling on a ground. At this very moment one of them suddenly stopped as he touched something that was not really felt like a tree trunk. When he turned around he saw that it was a tall black figure of something, who was there and observed them, or maybe studied them.


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"Spirit of dead forest" digital art by @myskye

Now the other kids noticed it too and started to crawl back but looking back they saw another strange creature that rose from the ground. This time the creature had fire red eyes. This creature opened his mouth and he started to droll anticipating new flesh. He only said:

Finally new flesh it is time to wake up


I wish to invite @ahlawat, @sajidkhan514, @roohiasif99 for this challenge


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  • Unbenanntg-1.png

Trenner groß.png

Planet Wild - restores the planet.




I like that second picture! It's great for a fairytale or one of those trees of magical woods Harry Potter or some other stories. Disney will like it if not steal it. You better ask copyright on it.
No vacation because of the parents but a one-time day out, that's for sure.

Yes, now when you say it reminded me Harry Potter last two movies. I like the second image too, nice contrast of dark and eyes.

It fits great ans looks alive jumping off the screen

Hi friend your post is excellent.You have described the entire incident in the story in a very beautiful way, I like it very much.good luck my dear

Thank you, I was also glad that these images brought such a story :)

Hello friend,

Your story is indeed so interesting, I kept reading it to the last letter, it is crucial to know that the friends really were joy scared of the dark, thy immediately went into the place without fear or terror. That's a lesson to me though, I cannot go into a place my instincts rejects me to be. I enjoyed your article and success to you.

I was thinking about the children and their curiosity that brought nice story, thank you :)

 last month (edited)

As a fiction writer myself who loves writing paranormal stories I see a great horror story in your fictional creation. I invite you to join my community, the Dream Steem where we write in the fiction genre and creativity. My best to you in this contest.

Thank you for your invitation, I indeed may visit the community, I often like writing too :)

Hello friend,
you made a very good story. When I read your post I could imagine the series of events, when they pedaled and met a big tree then they entered a very dark place and they accidentally met a creature that they should not have met. That is the climax of the story. You made a very good essay. I really enjoyed it especially since I like watching ghost flicks for me it's challenging.

Thank you for reading and I am pleased to know that you like it, it is always enjoyable when readers attention is caught by story. I love paranormal and everything mysterious that is inspired me for writing.

میں نے اپ کی پوسٹ پڑھی پوسٹ پڑھ کر مجھے بہت اچھا لگا اپ بہت اچھی پوسٹ بناتی ہیں خوش رہیں سلامت رہیں

Thank you for reading, glad that you find it interesting and enjoyed it :)

Your story is really very interesting and it scares me too, so you guys made jokes and laughs etc. so that they are not so beautiful, they made us fear them and that research. They can do it, otherwise they will do whatever they can, didn't they know that such an incident could happen to them? We pray to Allah Almighty that Allah Almighty will always provide for you and keep you safe and healthy

I love scary stories especially on Halloween when everyone in such spirit of magic mystery. Thank you for your nice comment :)

You wrote a song about three friends who were riding a bicycle and were slowly climbing a wall of tall trees. But there is no doubt about their appearance and they really wanted it. They live along the paths of human beings and we do not see them, but they are not separated from us. become

Yes, we never know if there is really such world is already existing next to our who knows it might be a truth :)