There will be a total of 4 rounds for this piece-maker tourney.
Each round participants will create 1 minion and 1 champion.
You do not have to participate in all rounds to join.
Each round's participants must vote during the voting period.
Two days prior to each Round I will reveal the challenge and bonus challenge for that round
You must complete either the challenge or bonus challenge to be eligible
All pieces must be Forest type
Posting for Round 1 is between September 11 ~ September 14
Voting for Round 1 is between September 15 ~ September 17
Posting for Round 2 is between September 15 ~ September 17
Voting for Round 2 is between September 17 ~ September 20
Posting for Round 3 is between September 17 ~ September 20
Voting for Round 3 is between September 20 ~ September 23
Posting for Round 4 is between September 20 ~ September 23
Voting for Round 4 is between September 24 ~ September 26
There will be 4 categories in voting by which pieces will be given points:
Creativity (How unique/interesting is the idea behind the piece) [This will be rated out of 5]
Theme/Meta (How well does the piece fit its name) [This will be rated out of 3]
Execution (How well designed/balanced is the piece) [This will be out of 7]
Bonus (This will award 2 points if the piece meets the bonus challenge and the normal challenge) [If only the bonus challenge is met, this is only worth 1 point]
If there is a tie then the players who tied will split their prize
Round 1 Challenge: [Finished]
Round 1 Bonus Challenge: [Finished]
Round 2 Challenge: [Finished]
Round 2 Bonus Challenge: [Finished]
Round 3 Challenge: [Finished]
Round 3 Bonus Challenge: [Finished]
Round 4 Challenge: [Finished]
Round 4 Bonus Challenge: [Finished]
Each Round's Top 3 will win:
1st Place will win 15 RP
2nd Place will win 10 RP
3rd Place will win 6 RP
The overall winner (The person whose best pieces from each round have the highest total score) will win 50 RP
If people offer to donate RP for the tournament or if I get more Crowns I will increase the tournament pool
My submissions are a multiplying Thorn Bush and a teleporting Mana Cactus. Thorn bush satisfies the minion challenge and Cactus satisfies the magic trigger challenge.
This minion slowly multiplies around the board, creating an obstacle for path units, giving cover for short-range units, and threatening enemy minions. Using this minion would call for using more unblockable and magic units to get around the bushes more easily.
The Mana Cactus has the same concept of poisoning on contact. It can teleport near key squares and threaten enemies with a poison trigger at a low point cost. It also poisons melee attackers, making it a bit harder to get rid of.
Thorn Bush just barely qualifies for the bonus challenge since I never specified whether it had to be while the piece was alive. Mana cactus qualifies for the normal challenge.
Not terribly thrilled with these, but the idea was that holding an enemy takes energy, which must be restored by consuming nutrients -- in this case, dead bodies. I don't think I'm going to mess with this round beyond this point, so these will have to do.
I had a "Move or Attack Minion" ability (the trigger was like the Ent's trigger, below), but one of the tiers would always end up too long. Unfortunately, while I like the concept, these seem rather useless, in my opinion.
The initial idea was loosely based off of a Crow/Witch Minion/Champion pair that I had been working on some time previous (in that case, the Crow resting on an enemy fallen location decreased its own value and enemy's morale, transforming into Witch when it reached 0 value).
Probably more use as a morale bank than a minion counter or offensive unit... Although at least the Ents could potentially hold a minion for quite a few turns, unlike the Entlings.
Originally, I had the trigger text say that it held the minion until the caster was moved or couldn't pay, but then I realized that was unnecessary: as long as it only binds for 1 turn, that would automatically be the case.
Both pieces qualify for both the normal and bonus challenge, you may want to clarify what a Mogon and a Smogon is though for when people vote on theme for your piece.
Sorry, I messed up. Magic and ranged counts too. Since I messed up on this so badly I'll give an extra 5 RP to any designs that originally include melee attacks as the minion attack type.
A spark, not quite a wisp but it's unusual glory compels minions to seek the bright light. Meets only the bonus challenge.
The Dullahan, a headless rider that will surely bring death. Weaken is basically a two-hit destroy but the second hit can be from anything. Meets only the normal challenge.
Both units qualify for the normal challenge, but only centurion qualifies for the bonus challenge. Make sure that you set them to be Forest rather than basic type though. This is a Forest tourney and even though it's a small difference I do require all units to have the Forest tag.
Augment: "Range 2 augmented: After adjacent ally was target of magic, reflect same effect on nearest enemy within range."
Jungle Shaman, champion, regular challenge:
Augment: "Range 2 augmented: Convert Poisoned status to Petrified, or vice versa, on targeted ally, and make him immune to original status for 3 turns."
My minion submission is Ice Mirror, which qualifies both challenges. It reflects non-melee abilities and has a special Ranged freeze move.
My champion submission is Manticore, qualifying for the Ranged challenge. It features a Path Ranged ability that poisons enemies on its knight squares as well as diagonally at ++.
Round 1 Voting has ended, here are the results:
1st place = Ent
2nd place = Entling
3rd place = Wasp
My submissions are a multiplying Thorn Bush and a teleporting Mana Cactus. Thorn bush satisfies the minion challenge and Cactus satisfies the magic trigger challenge.
This minion slowly multiplies around the board, creating an obstacle for path units, giving cover for short-range units, and threatening enemy minions. Using this minion would call for using more unblockable and magic units to get around the bushes more easily.
The Mana Cactus has the same concept of poisoning on contact. It can teleport near key squares and threaten enemies with a poison trigger at a low point cost. It also poisons melee attackers, making it a bit harder to get rid of.
Thorn Bush just barely qualifies for the bonus challenge since I never specified whether it had to be while the piece was alive. Mana cactus qualifies for the normal challenge.
Not terribly thrilled with these, but the idea was that holding an enemy takes energy, which must be restored by consuming nutrients -- in this case, dead bodies. I don't think I'm going to mess with this round beyond this point, so these will have to do.
I had a "Move or Attack Minion" ability (the trigger was like the Ent's trigger, below), but one of the tiers would always end up too long. Unfortunately, while I like the concept, these seem rather useless, in my opinion.
The initial idea was loosely based off of a Crow/Witch Minion/Champion pair that I had been working on some time previous (in that case, the Crow resting on an enemy fallen location decreased its own value and enemy's morale, transforming into Witch when it reached 0 value).
Probably more use as a morale bank than a minion counter or offensive unit... Although at least the Ents could potentially hold a minion for quite a few turns, unlike the Entlings.
Originally, I had the trigger text say that it held the minion until the caster was moved or couldn't pay, but then I realized that was unnecessary: as long as it only binds for 1 turn, that would automatically be the case.
Both units qualify for the normal and bonus challenge. Sorry about the confusion with the bonus challenge earlier and thank you for calling that out.
Please vote for round 1 soon.
Both pieces qualify for both the normal and bonus challenge, you may want to clarify what a Mogon and a Smogon is though for when people vote on theme for your piece.
Wait, what? You told me that "attack minions" meant melee attack, which means these would not qualify for the bonus.
So which is it?
Sorry, I messed up. Magic and ranged counts too. Since I messed up on this so badly I'll give an extra 5 RP to any designs that originally include melee attacks as the minion attack type.
here's a Wasp and a Hornet, both meet both challenges.
As you already stated both of your pieces qualify for the normal and bonus challenge.
minion: (the best one) he is trigger happy so he noscopes things.

Champion: he eats minions yum

Lmao, okay the penguin qualifies for the normal challenge and the cobra qualifies for the bonus challenge.
A spark, not quite a wisp but it's unusual glory compels minions to seek the bright light. Meets only the bonus challenge.
The Dullahan, a headless rider that will surely bring death. Weaken is basically a two-hit destroy but the second hit can be from anything. Meets only the normal challenge.
Spark as you said qualifies for the bonus, and dullahan as you said qualifies for the normal.
Both units qualify for the normal challenge, but only centurion qualifies for the bonus challenge. Make sure that you set them to be Forest rather than basic type though. This is a Forest tourney and even though it's a small difference I do require all units to have the Forest tag.
Forrest Sprite, minion, bonus challenge:
Augment: "Range 2 augmented: After adjacent ally was target of magic, reflect same effect on nearest enemy within range."
Jungle Shaman, champion, regular challenge:
Augment: "Range 2 augmented: Convert Poisoned status to Petrified, or vice versa, on targeted ally, and make him immune to original status for 3 turns."
Forest Sprite qualifies for the bonus challenge, and jungle shaman qualifies for the normal challenge
Round 2 Entries
My minion submission is Ice Mirror, which qualifies both challenges. It reflects non-melee abilities and has a special Ranged freeze move.
My champion submission is Manticore, qualifying for the Ranged challenge. It features a Path Ranged ability that poisons enemies on its knight squares as well as diagonally at ++.
Just as you said, ice mirror meets both challenges and manticore meets the normal challenge.