CEO AI against various situation

in CEO Champion's Gate4 years ago (edited)

Today I was bored so I wanted to see how strong CEO's AI was. I played alternating colors against different levels of AI with regular set up.

White (Stockfish, 3200 ELO) vs Black (CEO AI)
nf3 d6
d4 f6?!
e4 g6
nc3 h5?
bc4 b6?
nh4 g5
ng6 rh6
nxf8 kxf8
h4 gxh4?
Bxh6+ Nxh6
Qxh5 Ng4??

2 mistakes, 1 blunder

Grandmaster Level opponent (2600)
White (CEO AI) vs Black (Stockfish)
d4 e6
nf3 c5
dxc5? Bxc5
Bg5? Qb6
b3?? Bxf2
Kd2 h6
Bf4 g5
Be5 Qe3#

2 mistakes, 1 blunder

Master Level opponent (2000)
White (Stockfish) vs Black (CEO AI)
Note: Twice, Stockfish wanted to en passant and I had to get rid of that option
d4 e6
c4 bb4+
bd2 Bxd2+
Qxd2 Qf6
e4 Nc6
e5 Qf5
Nc3 g5?
Nb5 Nge7
Nxc7+ Kf8
Nxa8 Rg8
Nc7 Qe4+
Qe3 f5
Rd1 a5
Qe2 Nxd4?
Qxe4 fxe4
Rxd4 Nf5
rd2 rg7?
Nb5 e3
Re2 exf2+
Rxf2 Ke7
c5 d5
Be2 bd7
bd3 Bxb5?
bxb5 d4
Bd3 Ne3
Kd2 g4
b3 Nd5
Ne2 Nb4
Nxd4 Nxa4

at least like, four mistakes lol and a blunder

It was at this point I resigned in favor for white since he was up a bishop, a rook, and black had no way to win.

Me (1400 rating, white) VS CEO AI (black)
Scholar's Mate Test
e4 d6
bc4 e5
Qh5 g6
Qf3 f6
g4 Ne7??
Qxf6 bxg4??
Qxh8 h5
f3 bd7?
Qf6 b5??

Needless to say CEO AI needs a lot of improvement, though it lasted surprisingly long against the 2,000 ELO Computer.