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RE: Thoughts on the Recent Witness Meeting With Tron(Roy)

in Steem Think Tank5 years ago

TRON's amateur hour wasn't something really surprising, for anyone following them... And probably a great learning experience for them now, seeing that in the real world they face serious backlash for their practices.

But after all this is over, what's left? Why would someone with risk and investment appetite ever invest in Steem?

What if "they" freak out again and freeze "our" money?

Lost trust is something you can not fix unfortunately.


It's been made pretty clear that no other funds have not will they ever face the risk of being temporarily frozen. It was just the case with Steemits stake that was in many instances promised to be used one way but in a surprise sale to an outsider who many times promoted the idea of the destruction of our chain was put in place for the security until we had more communication with the buyer, which we now have but didn't get for over a week of attempts after the purchase.

a blockchain does not operate on promises

Of course but there's enough evidence of them existing, investors buying and staying because of them and code existing for the sole purpose of Steemit accounts declining voting rights but never being enforced cause we were too gullible that Ned might still be in it for Steem's success and not just his own bank account.

I think all the witnesses should just be a bit more understanding that from their perspective, they have NO idea WHAT you all will do. All they know is you just did something they would have thought nobody in blockchain would ever do.

WE all get why they did it, but for these billion dollar exchanges that don't know us and may have legitimately thought they were helping to thwart an attack, they're freaking out. Can you imagine the liability nightmare if we DID freeze those exchange accounts?

The only other time stake was frozen and rolled back was when Ned and Dan got their keys hacked in a very early hardfork.