Betterlife ❤😊🌄The Diarygame | joining #club5050 @heera820

in STEEMIT PAKISTAN3 years ago

💫Hello! friends from #Steemit and #STEEMITPAKISTAN, my name is @heera820 and this is #TheDiaryGame 💫

Hello everyone! I hope you're doing great. Today, first of my nice and noble greetings to all STEEMIT PAKISTAN members who are working hard in their own unique ways towards achieving success together not just individually but also as a community here on the platform we hold dear: steemit!. And please pray for me too because without trust from above everything goes wrong (in life). It has been such an honor knowing so many amazing people like yourselves through this journey thus far; thank you 🙏🏽that your support means more than anything else ever could



I was just waking up from my afternoon nap when I heard someone at the door. The curtains were drawn so it took me a few minutes to see who had come over, but as soon as they walked through with their packages and smiles of greeting everything became clear: this person is going out with us! We’ve never formally met before today which made our introduction all that much more exciting- especially since we ended up getting along like old friends by dinner time (and maybe even one or two things fewer than expected)!
I must admit what surprised me most about everyone during these past few days has been how well behaved both children


I woke up in the afternoon, had my first breakfast and prayed. Then I slept late at night whenever too much sleep is taken during the day to rest up for what's coming next - whether that be an evening of preparing or going out into society as usual! Drinking tea makes me feel more awake before remembering it's time to go do something important with family members like attending some event

Special Thanks ...




 3 years ago 

Keep it up ✌🌺

Thanks My Dear