The Diary Game || Enjoy✌🏻 With Friend Photo Shot✌🏻 ||31th october 2021 || by@shafitiger

💫Hello! friends from #Steemit and #STEEMITPAKISTAN, my name is @heera820 and this is #TheDiaryGame 💫


Let's Start Today Diary

so all friends how are you I welcome everyone to my post I hope all is well and I am having a good night of playing cards in my life .......

I woke up at 8:00 am After breakfast, etc., went out for a walk with friends at around 10:00 Friends, let's go for a walk somewhere I said okay let's go to some good place and shoot photos That I went with my two friends and took some pictures which you can also see


This is a picture of something that was very beautiful We first shot with a mobile camera After that we checked it by applying lala lala filter View New Pants captured the beauty And took a very nice picture of Kishan Actually we had two or three friends and went ahead and got four or five more. You thought, let's take their photography today too.









After spending some time we go somewhere else decided to go somewhere else Every friend was giving his own opinion that he should go there, go wherever he goes. Finally we thought it was a good place so we left The weys was very bad till they were standing in the way ..
After Egg and Safar we finally reached a very beautiful place We will show you some pictures of him too. i try my block my post on my streamer is very good and good .........




These are the best pictures of my life according to me it's a very beautiful sight Who's capturing the setting sun It was such a beautiful and beautiful sight I'm so sorry I could only take a few pictures of them In days, I will give very very good pictures of these ........

🤗End post🤗🤗

i will finish my post I really hope you like my picture and post I will put a very good post in the coming days in insha allah..💓

I pray allah keep you happy, keep you populated and give progress
Hope you enjoy the post and enjoy

Speacial mention to @steemit_pak , @haidermehndi, @hassanabid, @event_horizone For there Support Thanks a lot....


Out Standing Post Bro...