Top 5 club5050 posts of the Day - 28th Oct 2021

We appreciate all the members for writing daily for the community. We are glad that you are following the guidelines we provided in previous posts. Keep working hard and it will pay you off one day. Anyone who needs help regarding any issue, do drop in our discord channel.
Now we have decided to include only #club5050 posts in the Best picks so that we can utilize the #club5050 tag to the most.
Therefore, here are the 7days characteristics of users that we have selected in this post:
Last 7 days | Username | Normal Transfer | Powerup |
21-28 October | fabiha | 33 | 49 |
21-28 October | hamasabilal | 0 | 8 |
21-28 October | ansardillewali | 0 | 11 |
21-28 October | saimnasir | 0 | 2 |
21-28 October | kuwal | 50 | 60 |
Now coming towards the top posts.
The reason to choose these posts is that these are well written, not too short and have used the images properly. and most importantly, all the users are #club5050 members!
Assalamualaikum Every one ! How are you all ? I am fine and hopes you all are too fine. I am again back here with my another post in this wonderful community. Yesterday I didn't write my diary. Because I was in my Grandmother house. And there we have a lot of work to do.
So Firstly Let me tell you about yesterday.
Hello, and welcome to my friends and all the members of "STEEMIT PAKISTAN". I hope you all are doing fine and i am fine too. So, this is my first post in this community and i am a newbie too. Do support me.
آج 27 اکتوبر ہے۔ آج کا دن میں نے کیسے گزارہ ہے یہ میں آپ دوستوں کے ساتھ شعیر کروں گا۔ آج میں صبح جلدی اٹھا لیکن بہت مشکل سے اٹھا کیوں کہ رات کو پاکستان اور نیوزی لینڈ کا میچ تھا۔ میں نے پورا میچ دیکھا پاکستان نے زبر دست جیت حاصل کی اور نیوزی لینڈ کی سکیورٹی کا مسٸلہ حل کر دیا۔ آپ سب کو بہت بہت مبارک ہو۔ اس وجہ سے میں رات کو لیٹ سویا اور صبح اٹھنے میں مشکل ہوٸی۔
Asalam-u-alaikum Steemit, I'm glad that you guys are back here to read my post again. I'm so grateful for you guys to actually support me even if it's less atleast I'm getting some support and I appreciate that. So let's start with today's diary.
Assalam-O-Alaikum STEEMIT
Long time no see!! I hope you all are fine and happy in your life I'm also fine Alhamdulillah back with another Diary and it belong to a birthday event my sister's brother in law's son fist birthday celebration and they also invited us so we went and this Diary is all about the birthday Event so let's start :)
Congratulations to all authors in Top Picks

Three things will not allow you to be featured in top picks:
- Power down
- Zero contribution to the community ( Not applicable to newbies)
- Not a club5050 member.
Priority to Those
From now on, we will select Best picks on the basis of multiple factors. Some of them are given below
- Those who are members of Club5050
- Those who are Powering up their Steem
- Those who delegate Steem Power to steemit-pak
- Those who add steemit-pak as 20% beneficiary in their posts
- Those who stay active in comments with other users
- Those will help answering questions asked by newbies.
Since it is the Daily Best Picks, thus we are focusing to pick the best posts from the day! As it is A DAILY CONTEST, so ultimately the best posts of the day will be selected. So there is no argument left to be made if some users are getting measured exposure. This is because they are producing quality content that is in some way better than others. So gear up, put the feet on the paddle and make the best posts to feature in **TOP FIVE POSTS OF THE DAY. We wish you people All the very best. Keep working hard and keep making us proud with your quality content. And since everyone is getting mentioned, this shows the quality of the posts in STEEMIT PAKISTAN! You guys always make it difficult for us 😌👀
50 SP | 100 SP | 200 SP | 300 SP | 400 SP | 500 SP |
1000 SP | 1500 SP | 2000 SP | 3000 SP | 4000 SP | 5000 SP |
Nice working.
Congratulations to the selected member
Thank you so much for selecting me 💓
Congratulations to all authors
Keep it up guys👍
Congrats everyone
I have been working on Steam Pakistan for a long time but I have not been cooked. The people who came later have been cooked twice. Please let me know if there is any shortcoming in my post. Please tell, whats the story of them big puppys .....
selected all user congratulation😫😫😫
Congratulations to the selected members of the community. It is very difficult for @steemit-pak to select best post of the day. Everyone is putting their efforts, to get club5050 and be selected for best pick. But the luckiest person get selected. Once again congratulation to best pick persons.
congrats to all...
Congratzz to all👍👍