Atom Collector Records Friday Selection
The following tracks are a selection of the fantastic independent musicians that use
Reversals by Nickillus
Rather rough edged midi-mangle, relying heavily on Magix bass and string instruments for the core. Probably need to tone the bass down a bit - well may happen in a later tweak.
Thanks for listening, if you do.
When I Was A Child by @lastravage
© Music & Lyrics By Last "Ravage" Opinion
© Image: "Coniferous Vine" Courtesy of Alenia
When I was a child I was looking forward for becoming an adult.
Now, as the years go by, I look back and see that problem-free,
almost remote past, as the best time of my life.
The spacey beginning has been obtained with slide and harmonics on guitars and an electronic keyboard.
Then a melodic part led by the bass, I tell a little story and then....
you need to listen to the song to know what happens next.
When I was a child, happily playing,
kicking a ball around, suspended in the air,
I thought I could fly.
Then along the years I've lost my wings.
I'm finding hard to find another way of flying
but I am still trying.
Oh, oh, no.
That time has gone and forever.
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Let me pour you a !DERANGED !BEER
Don’t drink too much though or you’ll need a !COFFEEA in the morning! !TRDO
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