in Shady Writing5 years ago

The story tells that my mind wandered between the events of that day, when after my steps there is just one thought, my senses drowned with the inconveniences to which I must seek solution.
Cuenta la historia que mi mente vagaba entre los sucesos de ese día, cuando tras mis pasos sólo quedaba un pensamiento, ahogados mis sentidos con los inconvenientes a los que debo buscar solución.

So I noticed that my steps went one after another, recording the streets even without being really conscious, surprised to regret a gust of wind.
Así noté que mis pasos iban uno tras otro, recorriendo las calles aún sin estar plenamente consciente, sorprendida de repente por una ráfaga de viento.

My mind reacted and my senses were activated, alert to discover myself so helpless due to lack of attitude, that attitude with which I cover myself in the street, when I become blind with a capacity for total attention to my surroundings.
Reaccionó mi mente y se activaron mis sentidos, estado de alerta por descubrirme tan indefensa a falta de actitud, esa actitud con la que me cubro en la calle, cuando me blindó con una capa de total atención a mi entorno.

A noise peeking from that wall, where unsuspecting eyes would see only graffiti, as an expression of street feelings, where art without canvas is reflected.
Un ruido asomándose desde aquella pared, donde ojos incautos verían sólo graffitis, como expresión de sentimientos callejeros, donde se plasma el arte sin lienzo.

Observe how without warning the lines moved, I squeezed my eyes to see if they were focused, even with my eyes open my surroundings were confusing and it is now within graffiti I found myself.
Observé como sin aviso las líneas se movían, apreté mis ojos para ver si de enfoque se trataba, aún con ojos abiertos mi entorno era confuso y es que ahora dentro de graffiti me encontré.

A hallucinating moment in which for a moment I was part of that ink, erasing my shadows and coloring my laughter, where delivered to delirium I felt liberated, although when I returned to the street reality painted a better color.
Momento alucinante en el que por un momento fuí parte de esa tinta, borrando mis sombras y coloreando mis risas, donde entregada al delirio me sentí liberada, aunque al volver a la calle la realidad pintaba un mejor color.

When they give us certain ideas and our mind moves to the time and moment that are not, but seem to be...

Cuando nos dan ciertas ideas y nuestra mente se desplaza al tiempo y momento que no son, pero que parecen ser...

This is my participation about the Fiction Prompt:

Your character admires a piece of graffiti and becomes transported into its world.

what the Prompt A Day team gave me two days ago.

Discord: DarkFemme#3243
Telegram: @DarkFemme

All separators, cover image and the sign are my own.
Original content posted in other networks with the same username.


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