Steeming Community Notice Board UPDATED 29/06/2021 | Information, guides & tutorials | By @Psicoparedes🧠

in Steeming Community3 years ago



Hello everyone in the Steeming community. I am Alejandro. This time I want to make this publication to serve as a compilation post of many publications that we have here in the community, and that are extremely useful and important. This is intended to reduce the number of posts pinned to the community, keeping the area clean and fresh to pin only vital information.


Steeming Community important announcements

Important information for Steemingzen // Información importante para Steemingzen ENG-ESP

[SOLUTION] Some users cannot change their public information

📢Announcement : Winners prize upvote cancel..🥺

Community account for prizes delivery

Ayudemos a un Steemingzen / Let's help a Steemingzen

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Steeming Community Useful and important Info

Steeming Community Important Announcement

How to get 💧Steemingzen membership at Steeming Community?

Steeming Community Budget Proposal

A Peice of Advice for New Comers On the Importance of Powering Up and Delegation

Attention, important announcement… READ!// Atención, anuncio importante… ¡LEER!

The power of an act of kindness// El poder de un acto de bondad

Buy Steem, Grow Your Steem Power and Delegate!

¿Como crecer en la comunidad? - By @jesusremaj7

Common Mistakes Made By Steeming Community Subscribers

Delegate to @steemingcuration and get up to 51% APR in Steem and TRX!

How to set 30% of your post payout to @steemingcuration |A Help To 💧Steemingzen Newcomers

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Tutorials & Guides

¿Que Códigos HTML puedes utilizar en Steemit? Guía Markdown para mejorar tus post.

How to delegate your steem power to @steemingcuration?

How to join @steemingcuration curation trail.

Improve your posts, tips, techniques and code guide - Mejore sus publicaciones, consejos, técnicas y guía de códigos - By @ jesusremaj7

Herramientas y recursos para Steemit (TIENES QUE CHEQUEAR) | Tools and resources for Steemit (MUST CHECK) | By @Psicoparedes🧠

Thematic Areas Steeming Community// Áreas temáticas Steeming Community

LEARN ABOUT STEEM: Witnesses. What are they? Why should we support them? | APRENDE SOBRE STEEM: Testigos. ¿Qué son? ¿Por qué debemos apoyarlos?

“Don't Give Up on Steemit!” An Open Letter To The Newcomers.


Thank you very much for reading me this time. Feel free to leave your comments ⌨, so that we can have a better interaction. Greetings to the entire English-speaking community and neighboring communities as well.

Let's continue making Steemit a valuable platform, where we can all share our best experiences together, and may this become part of our best memories.

The used banners are of my own, through Canva. Illustrations and images through Pixebay under the Creative Commons license, except the cited images (if there is any). Personal emojis through Bitmoji. Gifs through GIPHY.

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 3 years ago 

Amigo @psicoparedes puede explicarme ¿Cómo debo hacer el pago del 30% a la Comunidad?

Ve yo lo venía haciendo de ésta manera:

  • colocaba como beneficiario a la comunidad y tomaba un capture y lo colocaba en el comentario.

Pero ahora me dicen que no sirve así entonces ¿cómo hago yo?, no entiendo por favor.

 3 years ago 

Hola compañera. Para colocar el 30% debes hacerlo así, mira:

  1. primero debes bajar en la parte de escribir tu post y encontrarás una opción que dice advanced settings


Luego te va a aparecer una opción que dice add account



Tercero, escribes 30%, para la cuenta @steemingcuration, la cual es la cuenta curadora comunitaria, y le das a guardar. Y eso sería todo. Así debes publicar dentro de la comunidad de Steeming 😊 para que nosotros podamos darle soporte a tus publicaciones, al mismo tiempo que tú nos respaldas a nosotros. Es ganar-ganar. Espero haber resuelto tu duda

Help me to become a member of #Steemingzen

I agree with Community Rules to share 30% for Stemeemingcuration
by @ziaulsteem.

Gracias por hacer un compendio de todas las publicaciones que debemos leer antes de publicar en la comunidad.
Creo que hoy participaré en el martes de ciencia.
Saludos ❤️✌🏾

 3 years ago 

Saludos compañera 😊 suerte en tus publicaciones

 3 years ago 

I agree to be part of Steeming Community by committing to Proof of Support 30% beneficiary to @steemingcuration