
in The Pew4 years ago

Is new better than old, or just different...I think better is a matter of perspective and is often subjective. Here's some old stuff that I got to shoot a little while ago. It's a lot of fun and is it better than new? More fun? Well, fun is fun, so I guess the same right?

IMG_2402 (1).jpg

The revolver.

IMG_2416 (1).jpg

The holster and belt.


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Will you be censored next?

Love the gunpowder case ...

This is not my kit...But it was bloody awesome. I don't know if you've ever fired a blackpowder revolver but for sure it's a little frightening and exhilarating at the same time. I enjoy it.

I have said so before and will say it again ... I had more than my fair share of firearms in my two years in the military... avoid them like the plague now .

Some like them, some don't It's all about personal choice.

Nice stinky toy! With the top frame, this will take a heavy load; it will be more fun that way.

I need to get one of these too, LOL! But you come, and we can spend a full day shooting all manner of black powder toys. I have a 20 ga double barrel shotgun that is a panic to shoot, and leaves powder burns on the target at 50 yards.

So come on up, and we can burn some sulphur!


Sounds like a good plan...Now if only the virus would play along!

Data shows there is more politics than medical risk in this virus problem. It should fade as a problem soon, people are figuring it out.

Be blessed, and keep your powder dry!
