Continent And Ocean

in Student's world3 years ago

The area of the earth surface is about 510 millions sq.kms out of which about 29% is comprised of land and 71% is covered by water.

The land portion is comprised of seven large masses which are called continents. These are Asia, Africa, North America, South America, Antarctica, Europe and Australia.
It is the largest continent. In its east lies the Pacific Ocean in the west Europe, in the north is the Northen Ocean and in the south is the India

It is the second largest continent. In its east lies the Indian ocean, in west is the Antaltic Ocean, in the North is the Mediterranean sea and in the south is the Southern Ocean.

North America:
It is the third largest continent. In its east lies the Antaltic Ocean in the west is the Pacific Ocean, in the north is the Northen Ocean and in the south is the continent of South America.

South America:
It is the fourth largest continent. In its east lies the Antaltic Ocean in the west is the Pacific Ocean in the north is the continent of Northern America and in the south is the Southern Ocean.

It is the fifth largest continent. It is situated around the south pole. Due its extreme cold climate,it is the only uninhibited continent.

It is the sixth largest continent. In its east lies Asia in the west is the Antaltic Ocean, in the north is the Northen Ocean and in the south is the Mediterranean sea.

It is the smallest continent. In its east and north lies the Pacific Ocean and in the west and south lies the Indian ocean.

A huge mass of water is called ocean. There are five Oceans in the world.

Pacific Ocean:
It is the largest ocean. In its east are the continent of North and South America and in the west are Asia and Australia.

Antaltic Ocean:
It is the second largest ocean. In its east are the continent of Europe and Africa and in the west are north and south America.

Indian ocean:
It is the third largest ocean. In its lies the continent of Australia the west is Africa in the north is Asia and in the south is Southern Ocean.

Southern Ocean:
It is the fourth largest ocean. It is situated around the south pole. It is a extremely cold.

Northern Ocean:
It is the smallest ocean. It is situated around the North pole. It is also extremely cold.


Nice post.
Keep it up.

we need to focus on the tress instead of the ocean as global warming is becoming a big issue these days. A good post appreciated.