My favorite outfit entry of @binwaqas <i>&#128525;</i>

in Steem Kids & Parents3 years ago

Dresses defines us, they have a power to impact us in so many ways, we can feel confident, beautiful, and powerful when we wear the right dress. A well-fitting dress can make you look taller and slimmer, while a poorly-fitted dress can make you look shorter and overweight. When it comes to wedding dresses, they are often seen as an important part of the celebrations.

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I love to try and enjoy new combinations every time, i will combine different shoes, shirts and pants to make the perfect outfit for me according to my mood and the occassion. There is no need to be very specific about the occassion one should not need a particular day to feel special and wear the best of their outfits. A person should always feel beautiful and confident no matter what they are wearing.

A little mirror selfie is mandatory 😜 😜

Dresses have a lot of symbolism attached to them, some of which is more obvious than others. For example, a dress can represent femininity and attractiveness, as well as modesty and respectability. A wedding dress can be seen as an important symbol of marriage itself while your everyday dressing tells about your personality in general.

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My dress that you'd love

For this particular post i have got all in Black and white combinations, i got a beautiful black skinny jeans and paired it with a white shirt and white joggers. This made me look all handsome and ready for the day. This was a great outfit day but my hair didn't co-operate well with me i don't know why this happend. But i think overall it was all good and handsome feeling day.

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You look really cute on that outfit my friend. Good to see your participation in the hall of fame 😊

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 3 years ago 

Thankyou dear @madilyn02

 3 years ago 

Hi my friend! Your outfit is very cute and comfortable! I really liked how you matched your shoes with the clothes and the headphones look perfect with everything!

Your hair looks great, here where I live the guys wear it like you do but with a bob (it looks kind of tousled) but it looks good!


 3 years ago 

Thankyou friend i am glad that you liked my fi5

 3 years ago 

Undoubtedly, you look awesome on this outfit. It's pretty cool on you and even though it's a casual wear, it looks matured and comfortable, in fact suitable with the trouser you're putting on.

 3 years ago 

Oh yes i combine fashion and comfort in a single dress