Steemkids community weekly contest: how I care about.....(week #2:home ) contest series by @eberechieme

in Steem Kids & Parents2 years ago

Good day everyone


Our home is primarily this place we resides, where we sleeps and do some other basic things, like cooking, washing and also eating. So we also needs to take good care of it to make sure we maintain a healthy environment which is essential for good health too.

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How Do You Care About Your Home


To take good care of my home I make use of the necessities for that, and I make sure to clean up everywhere. Do some laundry when I notice some dirty cloths. And also wash the dishes after use everyday

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When Do You Do That

For me I don't really know about others and how they care about their home. But for me I does that anytime I feel it needs to that is to say I does it every day, like sweeping my room have become part of me, I can sweep it up to 4 or 5 times a day when I'm at home. Cause normally when I feel some sand in my feet while walking in or out I don't normally feel pleased so that makes me sweep it often

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What Things Do You Use In Caring About It And Does It Cost You Anything


It is understandable that whenever someone wants to either clean or take care of the hose, there are some things or materials needed to do that and most at times this materials cost us some money to harness or afford them.

So caring about my home I use things like broom parker clean rags and my mask cause I'm allegiant to dust and dry particle clustering my nostrils, so that's why I ware mask

I don't mob the room cause we, (I and my two big brothers) stay in a one room apartment and it's not tiled nor is there carpet on it rather it's rog so I use hard broom to push the sands out.

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How Do You Feel When You Have Cared About Your Home The Way You Want

When you make up your bed after sleeps and comes back later in the day to sleep surely you will really enjoy it cause it's well prepared and it will be soft for you

So the same way when I care about my home the way I want, I wi be happy cause there will be irritating thing there again and if I feel like sleeping I will do that peacefully.

And there is a popular saying that cleanliness is next to godliness, so knowing that cleanliness draws me close to God I tries to see my home is well kept all the time and that makes me feel good and happy

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Do You Sometimes Fail To Care About Your Home? What Results When You Neglect That Responsibility

Yeah some times, knowing that's my responsibility as the youngest in the house when I fail to do that maybe because of my work or some other
relevant or irrelevant things, I feel bad and it don't pleas me coming inside

Most at times when I fail to do that especially for irrelevant things and with my flimsy excuse and my eldest brother comes back, he shouts so hard on me. So I tries to do that with all means

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Benefits Of Caring For Our Home

When we do our best to care about our home we also derive benefits from doing so.
And some of this benefits include
• Good health
• Healthy and peaceful night rest
• it creates conducive environment for us
• fresh air in flow
• and it also helps us to know where our things are and many more benefits

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Do Anyone Assists You To Care About Your Home

Yeah, the three of us do well to include in caring about our home, but I'm the one that does it 8/10 time that it's done

So they help me to care about my home


It is advisable that everyone of us here put off the effort to care about our home. Cause it also serve as a disinfectant for bacterias and fungi, it helps us maintain a good health so we need to always keep our environment clean and conducive

Thanks for your time
And warm regards to @ngoenyi


It’s a big world for small people. Re-posting this. 🙏🏽🌷🎊🕯🕯

 2 years ago 

Hello dear, you have made a good writeup on this contest. However, you should have used your own images for this post, since you're writing about how to care for your home, you should put your own pictures.
