Some Smart Evasive Steps You Should Take As A Child If You Ever Find Yourself in Threatening Situations
To parents, I strongly recommend reading this with your kids and family.
Security consciousness has to do with a person's awareness of their environment and safety. Some teeny-weeny things might have been dismissed as unimportant in the past, but these things matter for your safety, that of your siblings and parents. Below are a few essential security tips to help you identify a potential crime, risky situations and smart evasive actions to take.
1 ] Walk away from a place quickly if you observe someone or people showing the following signs of nervousness:
- Stealing glances at you repeatedly.
- Cleaning or pinching the nostrils repeatedly.
- Looking over their shoulders
- Rubbing hands
- Tapping things etc
These are suspicious behaviours exhibited by people who MAY likely commit a crime.
2 ] If someone breaks into your house and they haven't seen you yet, quickly turn on a water tap, TV, radio or leave the phone playing before creeping out of the house. This is because sounds indicate the presence of a person and since criminals are attracted to them, they can be misled by this. Once you are out of danger, alert people.
3 ] Gunpowder smells like charcoal and sulphur. Imagine those firecrackers by December, think of the washed off acridic smell of burnt metal. If ever you perceive this smell around a stranger, walk away from there quickly.
4 ] When grabbed or lifted by an attacker, try as much as possible to scratch them —not on the face though because you might hurt them badly which can force them to harm you. Scratch the back of their neck or hands instead. This way, you get their DNA literally under your fingerprint. It will help the police.
5 ] Read car plate numbers:
To my myopic friends out there I understand your plight and this means that you have to put on your glasses all the time, I had to adjust to this too. Nevertheless, you need to know this.
If you ever see a vehicle packed opposite your house—whether with an engine running or not—ensure that you take a picture of it. Also, if you are driving with your parents and you observe a car that keeps trailing you from a distance, write down the car's plate number in a safe place. It still matters even when they speed past the vehicle you are in.
6 ] Try mastering people's facial appearances. For example, the features of the face of the taxi driver driving you to school, passengers in transit, and strangers. If it isn't possible to look at their faces directly, especially when it is in an attack, then look around for reflective surfaces such as a TV screen, mirror, door, polished metals etc.
7 ] Ask questions
Ask yourself questions like why is that person walking sluggishly? Why are they sitting awkwardly?
You could unravel a mystery that could save someone you never know.
8 ] Children should leave the car only when an adult steps out. A little boy almost got himself hurt badly when he stepped out of a moving car because he thought that it was properly packed.
As a general rule, pay attention to your environment. It's important to note some little details such as the activities of people around, the speed of the car plying the road, children playing at the corner etc. You don't have to be an FBI to pay attention to every activity going on around you.

You share such a valuable information, i really did not know they commit to crime although i have observed such suspicious activities during travelling. Keep sharing
These are some very important life tips. Do ensure that you share them with your friends and family. 😊
It is shocking to know that these things do happen in our every day life.
Thank you for sharing this valuable information and tips.!
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Gracias por la información es de suma importancia para nosotros los niños ser precavidos y poner en práctica todas estas recomendaciones. Gracias 🙋♀️
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That you so much for the recognition, ma'am. I'll do as you have instructed.