Protected animals in my country - Nigeria

in Steem of Animals2 months ago



Hello to my Steemit friends,
I am @peacebala
From #nigeria
Thank you @steem.ofanimals for this contest.

✅Animal population status (mention the name of the animal it comes from...)

I have chosen to write about cows and by the records of some very important animals in my country, ofcourse every animal is very important but some animals especially domestic animals are easily noticed and recorded because of their presence around the environment.

Cows are animals that are being reared by Fulanis, they are from the northern part of Nigeria. I am also from the northern part of Nigeria and by records and observations the cows are found and reared mostly in the northern part of the country so, other parts like the south, east and western parts buys cows to be used as proteins from the northern part of Nigeria.

✅What causes habitat and environmental changes so that this animal is threatened with extinction or why this animal has become a typical animal of that region or country.



From the first answer, the rearing of cows are mostly done in the northern part of Nigeria because there are green grasses allover especially the raining season. Fulanis(cattle rearers) moves from one place to another hunting for green grasses for their cattles but if it is at the northern part of Nigeria, there is no need because we have riverine areas that grows green grasses even during dry season.

Secondly, the cattle rearers finds it difficult to survive in other parts of the country because the cost of living is actually very high. The northerners are known to be farmers so after harvest, the cattle rearers pushes in their cattles to eat left over grains and that is the joyous moments of the cows.

✅Legal Status and Legal Protection (Mention the law that protects the animal. (Please illustrate to the best of your ability)



Yes, the government provided good attention to these animals because they serve as the major proteins in the country today. As of when General Buhari Muhammed was on throne as the president of the country Nigeria, he warned strictly that there should be no fight between the framers and the cattle rearers because the cattle rearers are doing their best to feed the animals meanwhile, the cattle rearers should allow the farmers to pick all their farm produce before the cows should be lead into the farm.

The law was sealed and stamped and that is why today, we are living in peace with the cattle rearers as we both obey the law pronounced by the former president of Nigeria. With this law, he has successfully provided a legal right for both the cattle rearers and the farmers as well as their legal statuses.

Thank you for reading.
My invites:


 2 months ago 

Are cows a protected animal in your country? Cows are animals whose meat is used for consumption and kept on farms or by farmers. This is certainly very interesting, when you say that cows are protected animals in your country.

Yes Sir it is, thank you for commenting on my post.

Well written about the animals in our country friend.