Some characteristics and curiosities of the Dalmatian dog.

in Steem of Animals6 days ago (edited)

Hello everyone I hope you are well today I want to present you some characteristics and curiosities about Dalmatian dogs.

This beautiful breed with its characteristic white coat with black spots is very suitable for family environments and children, here some characteristics.
Dalmatians are a medium-sized dog breed, with females having a height between 52 cm to 58 cm and males between 58 cm to 61 cm and their weight is around 23 kg to 25 kg. Their coat is short and fine white with black spots, but at birth they are completely white and as they grow up the spots come out.
Their life expectancy ranges from 11 to 13 years, but sometimes they can live up to 16 years.
They are a friendly and affectionate breed with children, very rarely have aggressive attitudes, especially if they have been well socialized from puppyhood.
They reach maturity a little late, and reach adulthood at 12 to 15 months of age.
They are very intelligent and easy to train, they should be well socialized from an early age and be presented with different situations such as contact with other dogs and people.

Image taken from Pixabay by user RebeccasPictures

As they are very haughty dogs, they should receive a lot of mental stimulation and should be walked several times a day.
They are very clean dogs, but as they shed a lot of hair they should be brushed several times a week.
The current Dalmatian breed was developed by the English nobility in the 19th century.
The origin of the name comes from the Dalmatian region in Croatia.
They are healthy but some diseases that affect them are hereditary deafness, urolithiasis, allergies and hip dysplasia.
They are a breed of dog widely used for firefighter work.
They have appeared in the movies as in the animated films The 101 Dalmatians.

Well here ends this post about this beautiful breed of dog that steals the hearts of many families in the world.

Image taken from Pixabay by user RebeccasPictures