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RE: SEC S17W1: "Let's Celebrate the Arts"

in RECREATIVE STEEM11 months ago

Some really beautiful shots shared Pat! And yes, you are right... we are all very different, not only in the "who we are" but also in the "what we appreciate visually"... so, for me - there is no "wrong" when it comes to creative endeavors. Including the couple of things you mentioned regarding your photos (ie. cropping the head off etc.)

Art of any kind is such a personal process and admittedly, as hard as it can be to "let go" of this kind thought processing, I have learnt that it is necessary, because that is how you learn to free yourself from the constraints of social judgement or even internal judgement.

When you consider that there are no rules, no wrong or right - it opens the door to experimentation which ultimately leads to new discoveries and ultimately growth in your creative journey.

I think all your photos are absolutely beautiful.

Breaking the rules can manifest some beautiful creative creations too :)

Though most of my creative journey has been in design, traditional and digital illustration - I do love photography and thoroughly enjoy capturing beautiful things around me as well as trying out all sorts of weird and wacky things too, lol. As for black and white photography... I completely agree. There is just something magical about it... it embodies a sort of natural nostalgia and mood which is very special.

Lovely post xxx

Hope you have a beautiful Friday and weekend ahead!


Thank you for the great comment!

It is true that there is no right and no wrong when it comes to art—well, not if you are my mother. I can hear her telling me to never use even numbers in art. I don't think I will ever forget those words. (•ิ‿•ิ)

Design and digital illustration. My brother had a company right there on your doorstep many years ago. His clients were Vodacom, Telkom, Ask Africa, and yes, Adidas South Africa. He packed his bag and is now the editor of a prestigious Asian magazine.
He now takes photos of places where brands like Rolex, Cartier, Roll Royce, etc. pay him to go.

I keep my fingers crossed that your designs and digital illustrations also pave the way for you! 🤞🏻

PS: Don't miss the series "Photographer"
It is mind blowing!

I can hear her telling me to never use even numbers in art. I don't think I will ever forget those words. (•ิ‿•ิ)

I can actually relate to that... except it was not told to me by my mother, but rather something I learnt and then had to unlearn... not so much about "even numbers" precisely - but about being obsessive with things like spacing, balance etc. Don't get me wrong, it is a skill set which has greatly complimented my traditional art journey... but in the beginning, the designer in me really struggled to let go and just "do whatever".

Eventually, I managed to strike a healthy balance between the two and now the design experience I have "compliments" the art, rather than "overriding it".

My brother had a company right there on your doorstep many years ago. His clients were Vodacom, Telkom, Ask Africa, and yes, Adidas South Africa. He packed his bag and is now the editor of a prestigious Asian magazine.

I don't blame him hahahaha!!! What a bunch of pain in the arse clients to have, lol. Big names are always the most painful and generally the worst payers too - especially here in SA as you are likely familiar with yourself, lol.

I keep my fingers crossed that your designs and digital illustrations also pave the way for you! 🤞🏻

That is very sweet of you, thank you! I don't actually do design work anymore - I sold my business a couple of years before covid hit (thank goooooodness!!!!) and my art does well, but as any artist knows well - it is seldom a consistent stream... it has wonderful highs... and then NOTHING for what feels like an eternity lol.

PS: Don't miss the series "Photographer"
It is mind blowing!

Had not heard of that! Thanks for the recommendation - I will definitely take a look!

How lucky you were to sell your business before COVID!

Art, acting, and music are the three most difficult careers to be in.
With AI, I'm sure we are going to add many more to the list.

Now I will have to change my blessings to: best wishes for being at the right place at the right time. 🙏

How lucky you were to sell your business before COVID!

I count my lucky stars for that every single day!!!! I was a small concern and not in the position to carry several salaries as well as myself whilst earning absolutely nothing!

Art, acting, and music are the three most difficult careers to be in.
With AI, I'm sure we are going to add many more to the list.

So very true and incredibly sad re. AI. Sure, I use it myself for certain things and yes, it has been a part of the design field for many years already, but the way it is just taking over now... it is somewhat disheartening.

Now I will have to change my blessings to: best wishes for being at the right place at the right time. 🙏

xxx :)

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