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RE: SEC S17W3: "Homenaje al Libro." | SEC S17W3: "Tribute to the Book."

in RECREATIVE STEEM8 months ago

Hello dear, I wish to you to be in peace and living their best moments of life.
Bible is a holy book which is very good and it contains a lot of experiences which shows us the right path to live. This book also teaches us to stay calm in different situations.

Best of luck , may you achieve wealth , health , success and prosperity in your life Greetings from my side . Have a nice day .


Concuerdo con eso, de enseñarnos a mantener la calma, de hecho hay un hermoso versículo que se encuentra en el libro de Juan 16:33 que dice:

Yo les he dicho estas cosas para que en mí hallen paz. En este mundo afrontarán aflicciones, pero ¡anímense! Yo he vencido al mundo.