Evil Pepper / 悪ペッパー

in CATSNAPS4 years ago

Is Pepper turning into an evil kitty?
She looks scary in this photo.



Actually, the photo was taken while she was yawning.
She is sweet as usual of course.



Although, she likes my youngest daughter’s school back pack too much.
She sits on it as soon as she find it on the floor and won’t get off.
My daughter knows that Pepper likes it. She leave her back pack on the floor on purpose and gives Pepper a ride across the floor on it lol
Silly kitties xD
Happy Caturday everyone! Have a wonderful weekend!



Thanks for visiting!




everybody looks evil and dangerous predator, if grinning a grin showing a lot of teeth... this is about an ancient instinkts working in us :)
(a nice pic!)


I’m glad Pepper remembers her ancient instincts. She is not just a cute cat xD
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😊 No such thing as a bad Pepper ...

You are absolutely right! 😁

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