Today my article about Farmer Mafia

in APPICS10 days ago

Today my article about Farmer Mafia

Farmer Mafia
People in every sector of the world determine their own compensation for their labor.
The doctor charges his own fee,
The engineer demands a fee for his art,
A lawyer charges his client as much as he wants,

A mechanic, a barber, a carpenter, so the expert in every field gets his desired compensation in a very expert manner.
There is only one farmer who works day and night all year long and prepares crops by fighting all kinds of challenges and dreams are connected with this crop. If he is fighting to feed the children, then someone is treating the sick parents and then after the harvest is ready, he looks to the people for someone to rate his hard work. Then there is a mafia under the patronage of the government which robs the farmer with both hands.

God, if you can't give this right to the farmer, then stop calling him bad names like mafia
As a farmer I condemn calling farmers mafia