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RE: What do we make of this? Anything?

in Steem Oasis 🌴2 months ago

It's interesting. I remember a large stake heading to the exchanges a couple of years ago. In the region of 45m STEEM which at the time, I believe the price was high so would've returned Justin's investment? I think I talked to you about it at the time so it wouldn't be beyond the realms of possibility.

Although cardboard says Justin sold Steemit, I think he's referring to Justin stepping away from Tron so don't think there's anything in justyy's post.

If Steemit Inc. was a UK company, my first port of call would be Companies House to look at registration details and accounts. Is there a US equivalent that has free access?

I've got a busy couple of days so probably won't have time to dig any deeper than you have.

I wonder who @brucemeerkat is.
