Good Day with Mushrooms Hunt

in Beauty of Creativity28 days ago

Since the light rain throughout the week, we surely believe that we will find a lot of kind of mushrooms in the wood. By the time we entered the area which was surrounded by palm trees, the spot that we believe would offer us some fascinating mushrooms. While on this walk we were treated to a great variety of mushrooms to explore and it further heightened our appreciation of fungi. Indeed, when I reached the hill top, I noticed these mushroom were growing in decayed tree hollow and soon attracted my attention to its shape and color. Mushroom like other things have preferred growing conditions and rainy season was perfect for the mushrooms. We currently experience a mushroom season, so I try not to miss good moment to collect mushroom. These mushroom were spotted growing on decaying log, which made me easy to take the pictures for they were a little bigger than other mushrooms that I found on that day.





CameraNikon D7000
CategoryFungi Photography
LensTamron Tele-Macro 70-300
 27 days ago 

You photographed the mushroom very well my brother.