Hello everyone! I hope y’all doing great and let’s always pray for everyone’s safety! 🥰 Anyhow I’m here today to share my pizza recipe I made earlier that you can easily make at home even you don’t have an oven. Yes! You heard it right. This is a NO BAKE pizza. All you need is just frying pan with cover and of course, cook it with love!
I’ll not make you wait and let’s immediately proceed to the ingredients! 😉

For the ingredients stated above, you can also use other meat as alternative for hotdogs. Even canned meat loaf or tuna is great! And the more toppings, the more delicious it will be.
As this is a NO BAKE pizza, I’ll use a traditional wok heated by charcoal. Before making the bread pizza, better prepare first the pan/wok in a low heat and make sure to put cover on it so the heat will stay inside like an oven.
I’m using charcoal because my sister and I are having a short staycation here in my grandpa’s place where is located in a countryside in which everything here is in used traditional way. So if you have stove, the better (low heat).
While putting the pan/wok on heat, it’s time to prepare the bread pizza using loaf bread. You can use any bread as long it’s plain. But before that, make sure that you wash your hands properly.
Next, scoop right amount of ketchup to bread and spread it evenly. You can add more as you like.
Then, add the toppings. I’m using hotdogs and sausage because it’s my sister’s favorite.
After putting the meat, now add the spices.
You can also use big amounts of spices or add some green bell pepper if you don’t have green onion so you can add color to the pizza. And of course, for the additional taste!
Afterwards, add the cheese on top. Add more if you love cheese!
Always put cheese after all the toppings. Cheese isn’t just for pleasing your eyes and taste buds as it also helps for the toppings to stay (won’t fall) while eating it. That’s a tip!
And let’s not forget the pepper for the kick!
This recipe is just so quick and easy. Even the kids can make it! And this is a good bonding as well to spend with your kids at home or by the beach.
I truly enjoyed doing this with my sister. And better start your kids at a young age on doing this kind of thing. Let them have an experience!
To continue, when done putting the toppings, it’s now ready to put in the heated pan/wok.
Brush a small amount of oil then put the bread pizza at the center of the pan/wok.
And then put the wok’s cover. Wait for 2-3 minutes until cook.
If you’re using heavy or large amount of meat, better cook or fry it first.
And done! After few minutes, it’s now ready to eat the bread pizza!
I know that it’s just so easy to make a pizza dough or we can immediately buy one but this bread pizza is fun to make as well and as not everyone has a skill or an electric oven to make pizza. And look! All we need is to have creativity in us. It’s okay to not have all the goodness in life. Let’s just be creative because in us, “there’s always a better way”! Just be creative and you can find an alternative way in making things good until better to best. 😊
With this one, I used a lot of quickmelt cheese as I love cheese so much! I can even eat a whole regular box of it. 😁🥰
Looking at this makes me drool until now and I want to do it again with my friends once this pandemic is over and able to travel and see them again.
I really recommend this recipe and cooking technique for pizza lovers and for those who wanted to make pizza on their own. It’s not just affordable but more delicious because you can put every toppings you want. Also, it gives new good memories if you’re going to try this together with your love ones. So, MUST TRY! 🍕

I’m gonna try this! 🤩
Can’t wait to see your own version of bread pizza! 😉🙌🏻