Question AI Contest (Конкурс питань) Result #12 and Start #13

in Ukraine on Steem6 months ago

Привіт. 06.04.24 закінчився 12-й тиждень проведення конкурсу питань. Час підвести підсумки, виплатити винагороду та розпочати новий. Погнали...

On 06.04.24, the 11th week of the question contest ended. Time to take stock, pay your reward, and start anew. Go...

DALL·E 2024-01-18 23.41.37 - A logo design for a 'Blockchain STEEM Quiz Contest'. The logo should be modern and tech-inspired, featuring elements that represent both blockchain te.png

1-е місце – 5 STEEM1st place – 5 STEEM
2-е місце – 4 STEEM2nd place – 4 STEEM
3-е місце – 3 STEEM3rd place – 3 STEEM
4-е місце – 2 STEEM4th place – 2 STEEM
5-е місце – 1 STEEM5th place – 1 STEEM
Що робити? (Все дуже просто):What to do? (It's very simple):
1. Підписатись на @cranium1. Follow @cranium
2. Вигадати саме креативне питання і задати його в чатіGPT - (це відкритий АІ з можливістю безкоштовного використання)2. Come up with the most creative question and ask it in chatGPT - (this is an open AI with the possibility of free use)
3. Поділитись своїм питанням та відповіддю в коментарі під цим постом.3. Share your question and answer in the comments under this post.
Бажано в ось такому вигляді:Preferably in this format:
Я: «Як думаєш, проводити конкурси на блокчейні STEEM гарна ідея?»Me: "Do you think conducting contests on the STEEM blockchain is a good idea?"
GPT «Проведення конкурсів на блокчейні STEEM може бути дуже гарною ідеєю з кількох причин:GPT: "Conducting contests on the STEEM blockchain can be a very good idea for several reasons:
Залучення СпільнотиCommunity Engagement
Стимулювання АктивностіStimulating Activity
Нагороди та ІнцентивиRewards and Incentives
Прозорість та ДовіраTransparency and Trust
Маркетинг та РекламаMarketing and Advertising
Конкурсні коментарі приймаються до кінця доби 13.04.2024 за Київським часом. Не більше 5 коментарів від одного користувача.Contest comments are accepted until the end of the day on 13.04.2024 Kyiv time. No more than 5 comments from one user.
Величезну кількість іншик конкурсів можете знайти в щоденних Contest Alerts від @disconnect. Для цього просто завтайте в гості до його блогу.You can find a huge number of other contests in the daily Contest Alerts from @disconnect. To do this, just visit his blog.

На цей раз в конкурсі взяли часть наступні користувачі:

На цей раз в конкурсі взяли часть наступні користувачі:


Участь взяли 3 користувачі, поставивши 15 питань.
3 users participated, asking 15 questions.

Ось усі питання, які були задані в конкурсі. В наступних розіграшах ці питання (принаймні переможні питання) вже не будуть мати шанси на перемогу.

Here are all the questions that were asked in the competition. In the following draws, these questions (at least the winning questions) will no longer have a chance to win.

  • "Куди пливуть мрії?" @yetaras
  • "Наскільки довге волосся має Кассіопея?" @yetaras
  • "В чому полягає явище ентропії?" @yetaras
  • "Як поєднати непоєднуване?" @yetaras
  • "Чи існує поняття карми у християнстві?" @yetaras
  • "Will AI manufacture drugs that will make one to stay young forever without aging?" @lovelystar
  • "As the world advances in technologies and innovations,can AI impregnate and birth a child?" @lovelystar
  • "When someone hides and doesn't want to be seen or found,Will AI be able to locate the exact place the person is hiding?" @lovelystar
  • "What is the purpose of birth when one will still die?" @lovelystar
  • "Can AI read what someone is thinking in their minds?" @lovelystar
  • "if humans over populate earth, where do we go from there?" @sbamsoneu
  • "Are there people in the world who has superpowers" @sbamsoneu
  • "Why is it that round pizzas come in square boxes?" @sbamsoneu
  • "How many chickens would it take to kill an elephant?" @sbamsoneu
  • "If animals could talk, which would be the rudest" @sbamsoneu

На мою думку,

1-е місце - отримує @sbamsoneu з питанням - "Why is it that round pizzas come in square boxes?" та отримує 5 STEEM

2-е місце - @yetaras із питанням "Чи існує поняття карми у християнстві?" - 4 STEEM

3-е місце - @lovelystar із питанням "What is the purpose of birth when one will still die?" - 3 STEEM

4-емісце - участь прийняло тільки три учасники

5-емісце - участь прийняло тільки три учасники

I think,

1st place - gets @sbamsoneu with the question - "Why is it that round pizzas come in square boxes?" and gets 5 STEEM

2nd place - @yetaras with the question "Is there a concept of karma in Christianity?" - 4 STEEM

3rd place - @lovelystar with the question "What is the purpose of birth when one will still die?" - 3 STEEM

4th place - only three participants took part

5th place - only three participants took part


Крім того, автори ось цих питань отримують додатково по 1 STEEM за питання:

In addition, the authors of these questions receive an additional 1 STEEM per question:

  • "Куди пливуть мрії?" @yetaras

  • "Як поєднати непоєднуване?" @yetaras

  • "As the world advances in technologies and innovations, can AI impregnate and birth a child?" @lovelystar

  • "Are there people in the world who has superpowers" @sbamsoneu

  • "How many chickens would it take to kill an elephant?" @sbamsoneu


Підсумки 2023 року

З Україною в серці 💙💛, разом до перемоги!
With Ukraine in the heart 💙💛, together to victory!

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Question 1

If bald people work in a restaurant, do they still need to wear a hairnet?

Yes, even if someone is bald, if they work in a restaurant where food is prepared, they are typically required to wear a hairnet. This is because hairnets are not only meant to prevent hair from falling into food but also to prevent any skin flakes or debris from coming into contact with food, maintaining hygiene standards. So, regardless of whether someone has hair or not, if they work in a food-handling environment, wearing a hairnet is usually a standard practice.

 6 months ago 

Interesting question. I am grateful to you for taking the time to participate in the competition. And then I began to think that you forgot about him :)

Hahaha… do u know that the person that made me remember this question, was my physics teacher.. I remember how we use to tease him back as kids cos he was bald..

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 6 months ago 

Thank you for add my post to your he daily Active Contest List

Sure thing 🥂

Question 2

I watched a comedy movie when they were about to kill a man by electrocuting him. Before the electrocution, he had a heart attack and instead of dying, he was revived.

Now my question is Should a man about to be executed in the electric chair be saved if he had a heart attack?

The question you're posing here is a hypothetical scenario based on a comedic situation from a movie. In reality, legal and ethical considerations surrounding executions and medical emergencies are complex and vary depending on the jurisdiction and circumstances.
Generally speaking:

  • Legal Protocol: There are typically established protocols and procedures in place for handling medical emergencies during executions. These protocols may vary by jurisdiction and could involve halting the execution temporarily or seeking medical intervention.

  • Ethical Considerations: Ethical debates arise regarding the humane treatment of individuals, even those who are facing execution. Questions about medical intervention during an execution raise broader ethical questions about the nature of capital punishment itself.

  • Practicality: From a practical standpoint, if a person has a heart attack during an execution, it may raise doubts about the feasibility or effectiveness of the chosen method of execution.

Ultimately, whether a person about to be executed in the electric chair should be saved if they experience a heart attack would depend on legal, ethical, and practical considerations specific to the situation and jurisdiction.

 6 months ago 

I watched a comedy movie when they were about to kill a man by electrocuting him. Before the electrocution, he had a heart attack and instead of dying, he was revived.

This is a situation where you can safely say that such things only happen in movies.

Question 3
If man developed from monkeys, why do we still have monkeys?

The statement "man developed from monkeys" is a common misconception about evolution. In reality, humans and modern monkeys share a common ancestor that lived millions of years ago. Here's a simplified explanation:

  • Common Ancestor: According to the theory of evolution, humans and modern monkeys share a common ancestor. This ancestor was not identical to modern monkeys or humans but had characteristics that eventually led to the evolution of both lineages.

  • Divergent Evolution: Over time, species evolve and adapt to different environments. The common ancestor of humans and modern monkeys gave rise to separate lineages through divergent evolution. This means that while humans and modern monkeys share a common ancestry, they followed different evolutionary paths and became distinct species.

  • Survival and Adaptation: Modern monkeys, like all living organisms, have evolved and adapted to their specific ecological niches. They have characteristics and behaviors that are suited to their environments and lifestyles.

  • Biodiversity: The presence of multiple species within a taxonomic group (such as primates) is a result of biodiversity and the ongoing processes of evolution and speciation. It's natural for multiple species to coexist within a larger group, each with its own evolutionary history and adaptations.

In summary, humans did not evolve directly from modern monkeys. Instead, both humans and modern monkeys evolved from a common ancestor through divergent evolutionary processes

 6 months ago 

Perhaps because not all monkeys wanted to evolve. Some decided to go to work, study, take responsibility. We'd better stay monkeys 🤣

Question 4

Do fish have a thirst for water?

Fish do not experience thirst for water in the same way that terrestrial animals like mammals do. Thirst is a sensation triggered by dehydration or a need for water intake to maintain bodily functions and hydration.
Fish, being aquatic creatures, live in a constant environment of water. Their bodies are adapted to absorb water through osmosis and regulate their internal fluid balance without the need for a conscious sensation of thirst.

However, fish do have mechanisms to maintain the proper balance of salts and water in their bodies, such as through their gills and kidneys. They actively regulate the intake and excretion of water and salts to ensure their physiological functions continue smoothly in their underwater habitat.

 6 months ago 

If the AI answered that it is. It would be very funny :) And yes - a completely logical and expected answer)))

Question 5

Is there a limit to how intelligent a single person can be?

The limit to human intelligence is a complex and debated topic. Here are some perspectives on the matter:

  • Genetic and Biological Factors: Human intelligence is influenced by genetic factors, brain structure, and neural networks. While there is variability in intelligence among individuals, there is no consensus on a specific upper limit to intelligence that an individual can achieve solely based on biological factors.

  • Cognitive Abilities: Human cognition encompasses various abilities such as reasoning, problem-solving, memory, creativity, and emotional intelligence. Individuals may excel in certain areas while having average or below-average abilities in others.

  • Environmental and Experiential Factors: Environmental factors, education, exposure to diverse experiences, and opportunities for learning can significantly impact cognitive development and intellectual capabilities. Continuous learning and mental stimulation can enhance cognitive skills over time.

  • Concept of Multiple Intelligences: Some theories, such as Howard Gardner's theory of multiple intelligences, suggest that intelligence is not a unitary trait but rather comprises different types of intelligences, including linguistic, logical-mathematical, spatial, musical, bodily-kinesthetic, interpersonal, intrapersonal, and naturalistic intelligences. This perspective acknowledges that individuals can excel in various domains of intelligence.

  • Technological Advances: With advancements in neuroscience, artificial intelligence, and cognitive enhancement technologies, there may be possibilities in the future for augmenting certain cognitive functions beyond traditional limits. However, ethical considerations and societal implications accompany such developments.

Overall, while there is no defined upper limit to human intelligence, it is a multidimensional and complex construct influenced by a combination of genetic, environmental, experiential, and societal factors.

 6 months ago 

I think everything here is limited only by our imagination. That's how they are as far as we imagine my intelligence. If you believe that Jesus or Siddhartha were human - they had no limitations

Question 1 : Between fire and water, which one is more dangerous? @lovelystar

Both fire and water can be dangerous in different ways. Fire is more immediately threatening in terms of causing burns, property damage, and rapid spreading. It can be difficult to control once ignited and can lead to severe consequences like injuries or loss of life.

Water, while essential for life, can also be dangerous in the form of floods, tsunamis, or drowning incidents. The force of moving water can be powerful and destructive, causing significant damage to property and posing risks to human safety.

In summary, both fire and water have their dangers depending on the context and situation. It's important to understand and respect the potential risks associated with each element.

 6 months ago 

It all depends on the quantity. Although, even a drop of water and a small spark (I wonder if the spark is fire) can cause very big disasters. If they are in the wrong place and at the wrong time

Question 2: If group of animals gathers together, what language will they speak to understand one another? @lovelystar


Animals typically communicate through various means such as sounds, body language, and chemical signals rather than using spoken language like humans. The specific ways animals communicate vary widely across species. For example:

  1. Sounds: Many animals use vocalizations to convey information such as mating calls, warning signals, or distress calls. Birds, whales, and primates are known for their complex vocalizations.

  2. Body Language: Animals often use body postures, gestures, and movements to communicate dominance, submission, aggression, or friendliness. For instance, dogs wagging their tails or cats arching their backs.

  3. Chemical Signals: Animals use pheromones and scent markings to communicate territory boundaries, reproductive status, or alarm signals.

The "language" used by animals is specific to their species and is adapted to their ecological and social needs. It's not a language in the traditional sense of spoken communication with grammar and syntax. Instead, these forms of communication help animals convey information vital for survival and social interactions within their groups.

 6 months ago 

Interesting question. The AI gave a good answer. I think the combination of all these types of communication will make up the language of animals.

Question 3: why don't we see the Air when it's moving?@lovelystar


Air itself is invisible to the naked eye, regardless of whether it's moving or still. The reason we don't typically "see" air when it's in motion is because air is transparent and doesn't scatter or reflect light in the same way that solid objects or liquids do.

When you see something like smoke, dust, or steam moving through the air, what you're actually seeing are tiny particles suspended in the air, not the air itself. These particles are visible because they scatter light and can reflect or absorb enough light to be visible to us.

In everyday conditions, the air is usually clear and doesn't contain enough particles to be visible, even when it's moving. However, under certain conditions such as fog, mist, or in the presence of smoke or dust, you can observe the movement of air indirectly by seeing how these particles are carried along by it.

 6 months ago 

Thanks for the good question and thank you for taking the time to stop by and ask these questions. I appreciate your comments.

Question number 4: why is it that adult teeth doesn't grow back?@lovelystar

Chatgpt: The reason adult teeth do not grow back once lost is due to the way teeth develop and mature in the human body. Here's a breakdown of why this occurs:

  1. Development of Permanent Teeth: Humans have two sets of teeth—primary (baby) teeth and permanent (adult) teeth. Permanent teeth start to develop underneath the primary teeth before they fall out. Each permanent tooth has a specific position and timing of eruption in the mouth.

  2. Tooth Structure: Permanent teeth are larger and more complex in structure compared to primary teeth. They have multiple layers including enamel, dentin, pulp, and cementum. Once a permanent tooth is fully formed and erupted into the mouth, it does not continue to grow like some other parts of the body.

  3. Limited Regenerative Capacity: Unlike certain animals (like sharks or reptiles) that continuously replace teeth throughout their lives, humans have limited regenerative capacity when it comes to teeth. Once a permanent tooth is lost due to injury, decay, or other reasons, there is no biological process to regrow a new tooth in its place.

  4. Stages of Tooth Development: Tooth development is a complex process that occurs during prenatal development and continues into childhood. Once permanent teeth have completed their development and erupted, the tooth structure is fully formed and does not regenerate like other tissues in the body.

Tooth replacement in humans typically involves dental interventions such as implants, bridges, or dentures to restore function and aesthetics after tooth loss. Research into dental regenerative techniques is ongoing, but currently, natural regrowth of adult teeth after loss is not possible with our current understanding of tooth biology.