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RE: Терапевтична праця

in Ukraine on Steemlast month

In this case, the translator misled you. I didn't write that I was no longer interesting. I wrote that I am still interested in Steemit, but I am absent for other reasons. 😄

I wonder if there's a link to the war and if they’re using it as an excuse not to pay for the work you've done…

In both cases, I would argue that the causality with the war is quite far-fetched. War is a good reason to cover up all your not-so-good actions.

And yes, working with the earth, or in your case, cleaning, is a pure form of meditation and grounding!)))

And you don't have to pay psychotherapists and mentors 😆


Google... Well, obviously, they’ve found a way not to pay.
Yeah, it saves you quite a bit from paying for a therapist)))