de la existencia de esta comunidad que asombre al tiempo que me pregunte dónde estaba cuando buscaba contar mis experiencias, así que al escuchar de esta iniciativa quise participar.

Hello steemit friends receive a warm greeting, when I heard about this community I was amazed and wondered where I was when I wanted to tell my experiences. of the existence of this community I was amazed at the time I wondered where I was when I was looking to tell my experiences, so when I heard about this initiative I wanted to participate.
I have always considered myself a focused person, who likes to study, I am a T.S.U. in tourism and a sociologist and therefore I never imagined myself to be part of a statistic, and even less of anxiety. About four years ago I was a successful person, I had my own business of celebrations and events and I was doing quite well, I was financially stable, my husband had a good job, he earned well, we had everything we wanted, suddenly one day a client who contacted me to do all the piñateria and decoration, she called me and asked me to suspend the party because a family member died, and I accepted because I understood the situation, it would only be for two months, when the time came that I had asked for more time, and so I had me for a year, and I of good people, to say the least, I accepted, missing a few days for the party I went by my house withdrawing all the order, when I asked her she told me that she was satisfied with the piñateria, I always ask the customers when they took the orders.
Finally the day of the party arrived, and I went to decorate and so I did, I left the place and everything went normally, when Monday arrived I received a call from that client who demanded me to return the money that she had canceled me for the job, money that she had canceled me more than a year ago, I obviously refused, it seemed disrespectful and abusive to me to ask for that, after she had cancelled me more than a year ago and the worst thing was that she wanted me to pay her back at the price of the money at that time, I was totally shocked and of course I refused.
After that she took it upon herself to post on my social networks that I had swindled her, which caused my contracts to be cancelled, and little by little I was sinking into a hole of sadness, although everyone told me not to pay attention to her, it affected me, I didn't eat, I didn't leave my house, I didn't want to talk to anyone, I locked myself in my room, then I didn't want to work anymore and I started to sell all my assets, the inflatables, the cotton, tables, chairs, everything, and that's how I was left with nothing.
Those were not hard days, they were very hard, I ate so little that from weighing 85 kilos I weighed 45 kilos, and my family did not know what was happening to me, they did not understand what I was going through, only my husband was by my side, I always had his shoulder to cry on when I did it for no reason, there was not a day that I did not feel that he loved me, he gave me food, well he forced me, it was my husband who made an ant's task, he was by my side just listening to my deafening silence, it was him who told me how beautiful I was even when I was skinny, neglected and emaciated, there was not a single day when he did not tell me how much I was worth, that was how little by little I was getting ahead, I did not go to any psychologist because I had this oak of a man supporting me, and little by little I was going out again and regaining my life.
That if I should have sought professional help, perhaps that would have helped me to get better much faster, although I must say that this whole process helped to improve my relationship with my husband, creating a much stronger bond.
But even though I managed to overcome depression two years ago, the episodes of anxiety have never left me and from time to time they come to visit me, especially in recent months, since 9 months ago my mother-in-law died, to whom I was very close because she was also a friend and singing partner, it was hard to accept her death and it was a battle with myself not to fall into depression, But it has not been easy because only two months after her death we had to go through a ordeal in the hospital of the city with the wife of my brother-in-law who suffered a lot and had to be operated three times, unfortunately she died, and during those 21 days in the hospital I had several episodes of anxiety, I remember that there was a moment while we were waiting for the third operation and suddenly and without me being able to control it I began to feel a fear, I had tachycardia, I sweated horribly and I was shaking, and when I was at home I could not sleep.
After his death I was about to fall into depression again but it was not so, a few days after his death my husband lost his job and we were adrift economically speaking, from that day until today it has been 6 months and there are many episodes of anxiety that I have lived through and I still do not go to any specialist, but I have documented myself a lot on the subject and it has helped me to fight it.
What could I advise to someone who is going through this, first of all tell what you are experiencing, do not keep quiet, if you have the way go to a specialist, lean on a family member, do not isolate yourself, I for example when I feel these anxiety attacks I take refuge in music, I also draw, I do make-up art, and I like to write stories of terror and mystery, so if you friend, friend go through this nightmare, I know you feel that nothing has a solution, you think that a small problem is gigantic, let me tell you that I know what you feel and I can tell you that there is a solution, there is a way out and believe it or not you can come out successful.
I want to thank the community for giving me the opportunity to participate in this initiative and to be able to tell my story.

The image used is from pixabay, and was edited with polish, and use the Deepl translator.
Quiero invitar a participar a @damisvilladiego @marvinvelasquez @bellana
Hola querida amiga, bienvenida a la comunidad y gracias por tu entrada. Sinceramente fue una situación muy cruel por la que te hizo pasar esa persona, lamentablemente a veces por culpa de otros dejamos de tener una vida por así decirlo perfecta, o por lo menos estable, y es ahí donde está el problema, en no dejarnos caer y menos por personas ajenas a nuestra vida. Entiendo por todo lo que pasaste, pero sinceramente debiste buscar ayuda profesional para salir de ese estado lo antes posible.
Las personas tienen malicia, no saben todo lo que pueden causar con una actitud como esa, pero es cuando más fuertes debemos ser y demostrar de que estamos hechos. Espero que puedas recuperar eso que tanto te gustaba hacer, tu negocio, tu emprendimiento, no me parece justo dejarlo por alguien que no se lo merece, quienes te conocen sabrán la calidad de tu trabajo y de tu persona.
No te niegues a buscar ayuda profesional, es necesario, nuestra mentalidad es la base de todo y es necesario cuidarla lo mejor posible. Tienes un gran espero, me alegro por ti.
Te invito a verificarte en nuestra comunidad, aquí te dejo el enlace:
Gracias por sus palabras, ciertamente es muy duro todo lo que viví, pero sigo a delante, tratando de seguir, tengo días buenos, días malos pero sigo dispuesta a seguir, gracias.
De personas como la señora que nos contaste esta lleno el mundo, no todas son personas buenas. Lo que mas nos afecta es que alguien nos hace cosas, o nos arrastra a situaciones que nosotros no seriamos capaces de hacer a otros, nuestra mente no lo concibe y nuestro cuerpo reacciona ante una situación para la que no estábamos preparados.
Gracias por la invitacion, saludos!
Así mismo es amigo el tiempo me dió la razón esa señora se vio envuelta en un gran problema porque quiso hacerle lo mismo a una señora que hace dulces, yo mientras sigo trabajando para salir a adelante y no decaer, tengo días buenos, días no tan buenos,pero siempre dispuesta a seguir, gracias por tus palabras.
Amiga que duro debe haber sido pasar por ese período de depresión ojalá puedas encontrar ayuda profesional para que no recaigas y esa es ayuda que te puede brindar alguien que sepa como manejarlo, algunas veces la iglesia es buen apoyo en momentos de depresióin es cuestión que te aferres a luchar poor sentirte bien, deseo que no te vuelvan a ocurir esos episodios y de suceder que los sepas manejar y entender que todo esta en tu mente y que solo hay que respirar profundo y luchar por mantener el control
Gracias por compartir tu historia
Saludos y bendiciones
Saludos si fueron tiempos horribles, que.no se los deseo a nadie, gracias a Dios pude salir de lo peor, aunque ciertamente es un proceso y es poco a poco para superarlo del todo, y claro contar mi historia ayuda a Aliviar, gracias por visitar mi blog y apoyar 🥂