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RE: Wie der Hering seine Ohren verlor
Nostalgic. -_-
Grateful for experiencing the herrings-with-ears era. It was depressing to see the evolution which took away the ears but accentuated the mouths.
Then there was a shoal of herrings who protested at the mass-cut-off but ended up shutting their mouths and ears and went quiet.
P.S. I cherish these little moments of joy when I still get to hear great stories like this one.
I am glad that you can still feel gratitude. Of course, it was a good time and we should remember it with a smile.
Phew, evolution went fast! You couldn't develop strategies as quickly as earless herrings were born. The protesting swarm didn't stand a chance. It faced too many who muzzled it. But the swarm is missing, believe me.
Well, as you can see, a few guerrillas meet again and again in the underground. And one day they will invent an ear prosthesis for members of the NO community... ;-)
Indeed, the swarm is missing. Can only count on the guerrillas at this point.
Gonna PM when the revolution is ripe. I am working on it... ;-)