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RE: Schwere Geburt

I was wondering why chriddi hasn't updated on lambs - I opened your profile with the intention to inquire about you and the lambs under your previous post, only to find out that you posted an update and I missed it. 😶

22 animals.... how are you managing? I miss engaging with you but looks like you will remain occupied for a while.

Also, I've no clue what the names mean but all sound cool anyways. 😀

 11 months ago 

Hihi, and I should be providing updates again, but I just can't get round to it. The herd takes up all my free time, it's almost stressful. But I love it!!!

On the one hand, I feel very honoured when you say you miss interacting with me. On the other hand, it almost makes me feel guilty.
My Steemit behaviour is not what it used to be. By now I must look like a blind voter who only cares about his own (rare) articles and the correspondence underneath. But that's not right. I still read everything I vote for. For example, I also wanted to write something about your very interesting wedding series. Then I don't have the time and leisure at that moment, then I park the article open, then I forget my intention, then the next successful article comes along (great "first" introduction, hihi...) and then it feels like everything is already too late again anyway. Sigh...
And admittedly, I realise that my interests have clearly shifted: Farming, sheep, outdoors and lots of learning material on these topics that I'm soaking up. And at the end of the day, I must have cuddled every sheep at least once in addition to feeding them... ;-)

Most of the names have no deeper meaning, they are just beautiful or cute.

I still read everything I vote for.

You are known for that. I have always admired that in you. Although a big responsibility, I do hope the herd doesn't take that away.

It feels like everything is already too late again anyway.

It's never too late. It sounds like I'm pressurizing but I'm not. It's still good to know that you read. ((:

Farming, sheep, outdoors, and lots of learning material on these topics that I'm soaking up.

It's a lot. I'm glad you haven't stopped writing because I love updates on the sheep.

 11 months ago 

I do hope the herd doesn't take that away.

It actually does - look at my VP... 😂

I love updates on the sheep.

The 7000-word update has been in the works for days... 😉