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RE: Fauna und Flora im Frühjahr 2023

in Deutsch Unpluggedlast year

Your hazel bush surprised me a little. In my opinion, at this size, it should already give you a few nuts. But maybe it is not in a hurry. It is clear from the photo that it feels very good.

The swallows have already returned to us and are building a nest. But there is nothing surprising in this, because they do it every year. I cannot find the nests of birds such as thrushes or starlings, although there are many birds around.

You will still find time to arrange the greenhouse. It's not too late :)

 last year 

I was particularly surprised by the information from weisser-rabe that it can take a few more years until the first nuts appear... I think I still have to nurse a little :-))

That's right, it's not too late for the greenhouse. Even in recent years, I haven't done it earlier. Actually, it would be good to keep a garden "diary" so that in later years I could "look up" what I did and when. Maybe the Steem would be suitable for that too!

Mich hat vor allem die Info von weisser-rabe überrascht, dass es ein paar mehr Jahre dauern kann, bis sich da die ersten Nüsse zeigen... Ich glaube, da muss ich noch ein wenig pflegen :-))

Richtig, es ist noch nicht zu spät für das Gewächshaus. Auch in den letzten Jahren, habe ich es nicht früher gemacht. Eigentlich müsste man viel mehr so ein Garten-"Tagebuch" führen, damit man in den späteren Jahren "nachschlagen" kann, was man wann gemacht hat. Vielleicht würde sich dafür der Steem auch eignen?!

 last year 

I was particularly surprised by the information from weisser-rabe that it can take a few more years until the first nuts appear...

Apparently there are different varieties of hazelnuts :) I don't know much about it.

Maybe the Steem would be suitable for that too!

I think it would work great, especially with your post search tool.