Mal was ganz anderes: Kinozeit! - „Amsterdam“ / Something completely different: Cinema time! - "Amsterdam"

in Deutsch Unplugged2 years ago

english below...

Ewig her, daß ich das letzte Mal im Kino war: die wenigsten Filme halte ich für spannend genug, dafür Geld und Nerven zu opfern und sie auf der großen Leinwand anzuschauen. Bei solchen monumentalen Streifen wie der „Herr der Ringe“-Trilogie habe ich das allerdings durchaus genossen; da finde ich auch den Dolby Surround Sound im Kino angemessen. Ansonsten verschrecken mich eher die zwangsläufigen anderen Besucher, die hanebüchenen Preise für Kaffee und überhaupt: so richtig schön und gemütlich sind die meisten Kinos heutzutage nicht…

Das eine oder andere Mal hatten wir dennoch den Impuls, einen Versuch zu wagen – aber dann kam Corona samt Maßnahmen und Maskenzeug und Zugangsbeschränkungen… Wurde jedenfalls bis dahin nie etwas daraus.

Neulich sah ich nun zufällig einen Filmtrailer zu „Amsterdam“, der mich fasziniert hat: skurrile Figuren, überzeugend gespielt von einer Reihe bemerkenswerter Darsteller in einer klassischen Detektivgeschichte der 30-er Jahre, die intelligent coole Sprüche um sich werfen. Ich war hingerissen und konnte @ty-ty mit meiner Begeisterung anstecken: wir würden erstmals gemeinsam ins Kino gehen!

Gesagt, getan… Kennt Ihr noch den Dienstag als Kinotag? Wird zwar heute nicht mehr so genannt, aber die Preise sind etwas günstiger als Mittwoch bis Sonntag und ich hoffte außerdem, daß eventuell weniger Leute die Vorstellungen besuchen würden. Das bestätigte sich viel extremer, als ich vermutet hatte – mit uns waren genau acht Zuschauer im Saal, der eigentlich Platz für 250 Personen geboten hätte. Mir sollte es sehr recht sein ;-))

Um das vorweg zu nehmen: die flotte und spritzige Komödie, die ich der Ankündigung entsprechend erwartete, bekamen wir nicht zu sehen. Der Trailer war in dieser Hinsicht mehr als irreführend und für meine Begriffe sehr ungünstig gestaltet. Man hat einfach alle irgendwie witzigen Stellen aus dem Kontext gerissen und zusammengefügt, was klar auf ein Gagfeuerwerk schließen ließ.

Stattdessen gab es großes Kino! Neben den ausgezeichneten Schauspielern gab es eine tatsächliche historische Verschwörung, politische Anspielungen, mutige Statements zum jeweils zeitgenössischen Kunstverständnis, leise Untertöne und ja, eine Menge Ironie. Christian Bale in der Hauptrolle als kriegsversehrter Arzt, Robert de Niro als hochdekorierter General der US-Marines, Zoe Zaldana als Krankenschwester und Obduktionsassistentin, um nur einige der Stars aus der Besetzungsliste zu nennen, haben unter Leitung des Regisseurs David O. Russell ein gewollt verstaubt anmutendes Filmwerk geschaffen, das gleichzeitig aktueller nicht sein könnte angesichts gewisser gesellschaftlicher Entwicklungen weltweit.

Wahlmanipulationen, der Umgang mit Kriegsveteranen, Diskriminierung, Herabwürdigung sogenannter entarteter Kunst, skrupellose wirtschaftliche Interessenvertreter, Geheimdienste (die ihnen in nichts nachstehen), Borniertheit und Standesdünkel, fließende Grenzen zwischen Medikamenten und Drogen,… Jede Menge Sprengstoff in dem Film, der im übrigen auch ein paar eindringliche Statements zu Beziehungen und persönlichen Prioritäten enthält.

Kurz: wir hatten einen verdammt schönen Abend – auch wenn er mit einer Nettospielzeit von 134 Minuten recht lang wurde. Die Rezension, die „Amsterdam“ für meine Begriffe am ehesten gerecht wird, findet Ihr hier, im SPIEGEL:

Meine Empfehlung: laßt Euch auch verführen von einer verwirrenden, verstrickten und teilweise bizarren Geschichte! Der Besuch lohnt sich, anschließendes Nachlesen der konkreten Episoden in Geschichtsbüchern ebenfalls. Ich empfand beides als sehr bereichernd.



english version:

It's been ages since I last went to the cinema: I find very few films exciting enough to sacrifice money and nerves to watch them on the big screen. With monumental films like the "Lord of the Rings" trilogy, however, I thoroughly enjoyed it; there I also find the Dolby Surround Sound in the cinema appropriate. Otherwise, I'm rather put off by the inevitable other visitors, the outrageous prices for coffee and generally: most cinemas these days are not really nice and cosy...

Once or twice we had the impulse to give it a try - but then Corona came along with measures and mask stuff and access restrictions... Anyway, nothing ever came of it until then.

Recently I happened to see a film trailer for "Amsterdam", which fascinated me: bizarre characters, convincingly played by a number of remarkable actors in a classic detective story of the 1930s, throwing around intelligent cool sayings. I was enraptured and was able to infect @ty-ty with my enthusiasm: we would go to the cinema together for the first time!

No sooner said than done... Do you remember Tuesday as cinema day? It's not called that anymore, but the prices are a bit cheaper than Wednesday to Sunday and I also hoped that maybe less people would attend the screenings. This turned out to be much more extreme than I had expected - with us there were exactly eight people in the auditorium, which would actually have had room for 250 people. It should be fine with me ;-))

To say it in advance: we didn't get to see the snappy and lively comedy that I expected according to the announcement. The trailer was more than misleading in this respect and, in my opinion, very poorly designed. They simply took all the somehow funny parts out of context and put them together, which clearly suggested a gag firework.

Instead, there was great cinema! Besides the excellent actors, there was an actual historical conspiracy, political allusions, bold statements on the respective contemporary understanding of art, quiet undertones and yes, a lot of irony. Christian Bale in the leading role as a war-wounded doctor, Robert de Niro as a highly decorated general in the US Marines, Zoe Zaldana as a nurse and autopsy assistant, to name just a few of the stars from the cast list, have, under the lead of director David O. Russell, created an intentionally outdated seeming film work, which at the same time could not be more up-to-date in view of certain social developments worldwide.

Election manipulations, the treatment of war veterans, discrimination, degradation of so-called degenerate art, unscrupulous economic interest groups, secret services (which are in no way inferior to them), narrow-mindedness and professional arrogance, fluid boundaries between medicines and drugs... There is a lot of explosive material in the film, which incidentally also contains a few forceful statements on relationships and personal priorities.

In short: we had a damn fine evening - even if it became quite long with a net playing time of 134 minutes. The review that I think does "Amsterdam" the most justice can be found here, in SPIEGEL:

My recommendation: let yourself be seduced by a confusing, entangled and sometimes bizarre story! The visit is worthwhile, as is reading up on the specific episodes in history books afterwards. I found both very enriching.

20% der Erträge gehen an den Community-Account ;-)) / 20% of the proceeds go to the community account ;-))


This sound interesting. Sometimes it is good to create such time for a goodtime like this.

Unfortunately, i cant remember the last time i visited a seminar 🤦‍♂️ life has been so busy, but i think i will have to rechedule my daily routine.

I have watch "the lords of ring" before...

I will call this.., a good start for movie review..

 2 years ago (edited)

Da müsste ich jetzt eigentlich die Idee mit der Gegen-Betrachtung aufgreifen...
Für mich war der spannendste, mich wirklich beeindruckende Teil der Kinoleinwanddarbietungen nämlich einer der Werbefilme gewesen.

 2 years ago 

Auf die Plätze, fertig...!

Congratulations for being inside a cinema hall and having a fun time. As far as I am concerned, I went to watch my last movie back in December 2018 with a kid and watched a children's movie. I was mentally supporting that child, so I watched it with my coworker's child in Sydney. It was probably "Donkey on the Run." I enjoyed the movie because the child was happy.

You have done a good job here, a perfect review.

 2 years ago 

Yes, I had also thought about when and for which film I had last visited a cinema before: it was 2015, on 21st October! On this special day, Marty McFly lands in the future in 1989's "Back to the Future"... For this occasion, there was a "triple" with all three parts at once and an original DeLorean in front of the door ;-))



Great! I used be a regular during my travel days but later I stopped going to cinema halls, maybe lack of time. But now I avoid. But I a planning to go see one to check how does it feel like sitting in a multiplex :) The multiplex have drastically reduced ticket price off late.

Three at a time must be time consuming, no?

 2 years ago 

It went on all night. I think it started at 7 pm. Between the parts there were long breaks with catering and talks. The event ended at 4 in the morning... The "Lord of the Rings" triple took even more time: as each part was overlong in itself...

I don't have the feeling that tickets have become cheaper due to the multiplexes. We paid 11 euros per ticket the other day - in Steem that would be about 66 at the current rate. It was a discounted day, as I wrote. Is that cheap? What do you have to pay?

No, I was talking about ticket rates in India. They have slashed ticket prices by half because there are no takers. I know the euro rate because I trade in Forex lol. Our rates in multiplexes were a minimum of $8, and single screens were $3.And then compare Germany with India and the living standards!

Now the multiplexes have cut them in half, but popcorn is still the same price. Haha, I am no longer going to the movies, so it makes no difference.

As I said, I used to go to the movies when I was in traveling job (as a sales engineer for Oelikon Fon or Oerlikon AM) I am sure you must have heard this name. It's in collaboration with Germany.

 2 years ago 

I actually know Oerlikon as a supplier for additive manufacturing, powder coating and things like that...

Of course I am aware of the price difference between Germany and India. But believe me, even here a cinema ticket is considered quite exorbitant. Especially since popcorn is even more expensive. We saw a portion for 13 euros... What I want to say is: culture should be affordable for everyone. It is not at the moment ;-((

You're right because Australia is even costlier where the movie ticket is minimum AU$15 and of course popcorn sales in bigger tumblers and they offer a combined price for ticket and popcorn lol. Yep, I agree, the world should be more considerate to adjust everyone.

@udabeu denkt du hast ein Vote durch @investinthefutur verdient!
@udabeu thinks you have earned a vote of @investinthefutur !

 2 years ago 

Ja , so sehen Kinos aus , überall anscheinend, höhö .
