in Wizarding World3 years ago (edited)

Hello, it is my first post in this community and I wanted to liven it up a bit, I want to send a greeting to @cmp2020 and invite him to join this discussion. It is not about discussing the Harry Potter series but rather about acknowledging one of the aspects of J. K. Rowling's novels that make them most captivating.


Monster book of monsters pixabay image

We fans know his creativity, his irony, his attention to detail, his great ability to describe in words valuable, emotional, social and even family topics. We know of his habit of citing data and names in a light way, which pages and also the books that follow become more relevant in the plot.

The names of the characters and places often say more than we think.

I want to stop at one of those "details" in his novels that made me smile in an unexpected way due to the ingenuity with hints of irony of some book titles that populated the literary world of his magical universe: "The invisible book of invisibility" and "The monstrous book of monsters.".

A book about invisibility that was invisible? How can you read a book that you can't see? It's no wonder the seller at the Flourish or Blotts bookstore could never find it to sell. Maybe he should have requested Mad-Eye Moody's help, he would have been able to find it.

A book about monsters that was monstrous? I would dare to put my hand in a tank with sharks (No, I really would not) rather than in the cage where the monstrous books are locked.

"Everywhere fell pages of books fighting each other, biting violently, engaging in furious wrestling matches." [Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban].

Reading this scene I was concerned about the monstrous book that two of his companions had caught.

Yes, my first reaction to these books was to smile, the second was to be curious about what other similar books could reside on the shelves of the Flourish and Blotts bookstore?

Unfortunately for my expectations, no one ever mentions any other specimen of these characteristics, however. Since these are books from the wizarding world, the possibilities are endless right?

So I came up with an idea for some of the possible literary works from the bookstore:

"The timeless book of time" A book about time that is outside of time ... In what time is he? How can you find and read it? the book is there but at the same time it is not there”.

I guess only Rowena Ravenclaw could understand this, maybe she even wrote it…

"The bewitching book of spells" Naturally it is a book that deals with spells that also bewitches its reader

Although this is a fairly general title, there are many copies of this nature although they deal with other subjects and not specifically with spells. Ron mentions a few to Harry - in the second novel - when they both find Riddle's diary: the one you couldn't stop reading, the one that burned your eyes, the one that made you speak in quartets and triplets all your life.

The above are my assumptions to that possible list.

What is the contest about?

Now I hope that you as creative Harry Potter fans will make your wits shine, ponder what titles could contribute to the wizarding library, and write them down in the comments.

J. K. Rowling has always encouraged her readers to use their own creativity and think for themselves, so ... let's think!

The contest rules:

- You must be subscribed to this community.

- You must give this post a resteem for others to join.

- You must tell me the title of your magic book and what the book is about in the comments, if you prefer you can make a publication and leave it in the comments.


First place 5 steem

second place 3 Steem

third place 2 Steem


pixabay image


Hey Jennifer
I imagined a secret magic book written in old Bulgarian and placed under the protection of Viktor Krum called KRUM`S GUIDE TO VICTORY

Those who like the Harry Potter series know that Viktor Krum is a fictional character created by JKRowling.According to the book Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire / Viktor
is a wizard from my native Bulgaria (heres his name in Bulgarian Виктор Крум) and having in mind he was born in 1976 he must be my age.

I believe Rowling created the name after the real Bulgarian ruler called Khan Krum the Fearsome famous for creating the first written laws in Bulgaria and for defeating Byzantine Emperor Nikephoros I in 811 AD. In 811, Nikephoros invaded Bulgaria, defeated Krum twice, and sacked the Bulgarian capital Pliska.While Nikephoros I and his army pillaged and plundered the Bulgarian capital, Krum mobilized as many soldiers as possible, giving weapons even to peasants and women. This army was assembled in the mountain passes to intercept the Byzantines as they returned to Constantinople. At dawn on July 26, the Bulgarians managed to trap the retreating Nikephoros in the Vărbica pass. The Byzantine army was wiped out in the ensuing battle and Nikephoros was killed
It is said that after his victory Khan Krum had the Emperor's skull lined with silver and used it as a drinking cup. I`m not sure about the drinking cup, but Nikephoros was one of the few emperors who were killed in battle.

So Viktor Krum could mean Krum the Victorious, a man who defeats his enemy or opponent in a battle, game, or other competition.
And KRUM`S GUIDE TO VICTORY should contain the legacy of Khan Krum the Fearsome, the knowledge to turn defeat into victory.



Nice contest i will participate it

Buen concurso, preparare mi entrada!