Las mascotas son parte de la familia ❤ / Pets are part of the family ❤
Mis gatitos / My Little kittens.
Pets are a fundamental part of a family, there are many people who do not like animals, but I love them very much, especially cats.
Many years ago I wanted a cat but my mom wouldn't allow me to have one, until one day “Kitty” came into my life, the cat with the most beautiful eyes I could have seen so far, very special and deep green eyes, I got her from she was a little kitten and I keep it many years with us, she was one of my family, she lived many things with us and was super intelligent. I never imagined that a cat could learn so many things, they are beings that despite the myth that cats have of being rough, they still need affection and they show you their love in their own way, the purest love.
Unfortunately, Kitty passed away last year, it was the worst, it has been a long time since she remembered that pain until today, she still reminds me, but at the same time it gives me joy to remember so many years of her company and everything we played and shared.
About 6 or 7 years ago while walking on the street I got a small kitten, it was very dirty and very neglected but it was a love, I remember that our connection was immediate I could not help taking it to my house, this cat is called Alan and is my other kitten that I still have with me, he is a very special cat with me, he is very affectionate and is very happy when he sees me.
Alan was about to die twice, in those days I did the impossible to save him, miraculously everything went well.
I had the opportunity to work in an animal shelter, where I saw many horrible things and the work was quite rough, I came to my house totally dirty and I had to take a bath right away, in that work I learned to be stronger, it was something that required a lot of emotional strength and Physically, I got to see many dead animals and the truth is that it breaks my soul.
Unfortunately I do not keep any photograph of that place, since we were not allowed to do so.
If you have a pet, appreciate and love it every day, since they are part of us too.
Todas las fotografías son de mi autoria (alguna de ellas están subidas a mi pagina de facebook).
All the photographs are my own (some of them are uploaded to my facebook page).
Me derrito de amor por esos gatitos, demasiado tiernos y hermosos! Todos los animalitos son seres valiosos, a ellos hay que respetarlos y amarlos. Saludos ...
Sigue asi. Con buen contenido.
I like th eone with teh bandana the most.
@eralepepon A ella la puedes contactar por el grupo de telegram de @EmprendeOnlineVzla en ese grupo te pueden ayudar a solventar todas tus dudas. Pregunta por Darl Queen o la artista y te darán su pv
Que lindos gatos, son muy lindas tus mascotas, yo tengo un pollito mascota y también es muy tierno, come de mi mano.
Super cute tus mascotas!! y concuerdo contigo... son parte enriquecedora y un complemento en la familia. saludos!! ;)
Gatillos!. No me les acerco mucho, pero los aprecio. Son super higiénicos y buenas mascotas.
Me encantan tus gatitos son preciosos🥺❤️
Nice photo of you and the cat.
What is GEMS?
Happy day and enjoy your pet.
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I like th eone with teh bandana the most.
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