Pathway By The Bay

in GEMS4 years ago

Pathway's Are Pretty Cool To Photograph ..

Never leaving me unsatisfied.. that is if there is good balance and interest. I've taken shots of paths, roads or walks in the past, that haven't had that good balance, but often it's just a matter of shifting my perspective.. my angle. I took this shot while in Delaware visiting my parents. This is a walking trail that leads to a point just on the other side of the bay to Ocean City, Maryland. It's usually a quiet path with maybe a few dog walker's, like ourselves, or bikers. People casually stroll along the marsh grass laden bay side, to the breeze filled point where one can take in some fantastic views of the water and wildlife. On this particular day we did just that!

The Photo ..

Taken with my Canon Rebel T1i, The lighting was pretty good. The late afternoon sun was casting some long shadows and you can just about make out the suns rays coming in from the upper left. The grouping of pines to the right are tall and wind battered, but add interest to the shot by framing it. The tide was up, so the tidal salt water filled the marsh areas to the left. It's always nice to capture a little water is your frames. This walkway or path bends just enough to add a bit of coolness to the shot.



This is looking back in the opposite direction toward the bay. There is a nice little arbor for shade, benches to sit on and a nice wide deck at the end for viewing the bay. There is even a set of steps leading to a very very small beach. It's not big at all, but if you want to walk along the sand, it is available.


The Rest Of The Crew ..

My parents, wife, Molly and Pepper were all along for the trip. It was a bit chilly but the sun was warming. The dogs loved the breeze but not the beach so much. These shots were taken with the cell phone, so they may be a bit blurry.


Now running up the boards and walk they did enjoy!


Pepper is trying to tell us to get our legs moving!!


This is the bay. It's is tidal water, so the level rises and falls a few times a day. In the midst of summer, there is a lot of boat activity and also wildlife roaming around. The fishing isn't too bad in the bay, as long as you know where to drop your line. The city that you see on the horizon is Ocean City MD. It is a popular resort town here on the East coast of the US.



There is a pavilion, more inland along the path, where one could have a picnic or small gathering for say a Birthday Party.


Well the walk is over, the view was awesome and we all got a chance at a little fresh air! I was also able to get a few nice photos.



Thank you for swinging by my blog and checking out the post. Have a great day!



All words, pictures and art pieces are the sole property of B D Miller Gallery, unless otherwise noted and credited, and are not to be reproduced or copied without the prior written consent of B D Miller Gallery.


About Me ~ The Artist

My art work incorporates a wide variety of subject matter, including landscape, seascape, cityscape, and still life images. My works are the product of a continuing process of exploration through which I seek to portray personal and visionary interpretations of my surroundings. My paintings are impressions of places and events from everyday life, an interpretation of my imagination, and personal responses to what I see and feel on a daily basis. More recently I have invested generous amounts of time into my landscape painting. I am surrounded by natural and man made beauty, which inherently presents itself in the tri-state area, and almost demands that I paint it.

Not everything is art. Art is not everything, but it comes close. Art is everywhere and all the time. Art makes you experience the beauty of the world, the people in it, and the places we call home. Art itself is so influential that it can tell stories, show feelings, and express passion or fury. Art exists in addition to language; expression of sensations and thoughts, revealing a way of thinking too subtle and delicate for words.

For me art requires love, honesty and perseverance. In return, it reveals some personal, non-analyzable, and creative untamed passion. For the public, art with its magnificent beauty, improves mood and health and builds better human beings and communities. It engages the intellect, softens the heart, strengthens the soul and frees the spirit.


If Your Interested In Purchasing Any Of My Work:

They can be found for sale on

Saatchi Art



If you don't see the piece in either shop, It may still be drying. Let me know and I can upload it as soon as possible to be available. Or you can always make me an offer (in SBD, STEEM or any other crypto) in the comments section of this post. If we agree on a price, I will then ship the painting to you. (shipping costs will be determined by your location).


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“Life is messy. Grit and grace come at us fast, side by side. Sometimes the grit becomes overwhelming and diminishes our spirit. What’s good seems lost and gone forever. This is a story about the pathway back to what’s beautiful, when the way back seems impossible.”

― Sharon E. Rainey, Making a Pearl from the Grit of Life
