[ESP/ENG]Un viaje para dejar la rutina_A trip to leave the routine

in GEMS2 months ago

Saludos amigos espero se encuentre bien hace unos dias me fui a viaja junto con mi hijo y mi esposa para cambiar la rutina esperando que asi fuera un dia diferente y podriamos distraer la mente que habece se acostumbra a la rutina, siempre es bueno hacer algo diferente aunque sea una vez a la semana para no dejarnos llevar por la rutina diaria.

Greetings friends, I hope you are well. A few days ago I went traveling with my son and my wife to change the routine, hoping that it would be a different day and we could distract the mind that has become accustomed to the routine, it is always good to do something different. even if it is once a week so as not to get carried away by the daily routine.


