"I cast a drop upon the depth" — original poetry and photos

in GEMS5 years ago (edited)

I cast a drop upon the depth

original poetry and photos


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I cast a drop upon the depth

I cast a drop upon the depth
to echo soul-ward, to impress
with day-fire quill the motions made
on that clear, still, and placid lake

To write with reverb'rating touch
eventless minutes, stillness lush
but seen through outer ripples laid,
form made clear by shadowed scribe
in mortal guise, and such am I

As body, in its templed glee
records the rites writ on its wall:
life-law and intrigues both, fell crime
that sullies sight of fairest clime
to paint more sharp the muraled joy,
to whelm not mortal orb o'erflowed
it shades the over-radiant ray
so slumber, dream, and wish it may

So I will sit in bowered grove
and cast an ebbing drop, absorb
with day-fire mind the motions made
on my clear, still, and placid lake.

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..........This post is original content created by @d-pend..........
....to be published on blockchain on March 27, 2020....

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The photos and words tell me about the reflection, just as it is up, it is down and it only takes a drop to make the inside of the mirror spill. This poem reminded me of the "Law of Correspondence": "As it is above, so it is below, and as it is below, so it is above". The Universe and man share the same essence and all levels of existence are organized as fractals, one contains the other, to infinity.