One of the most successful Wall Street Investors of the last quarter century says Buy Bitcoin

in GEMS4 years ago

Bitcoin just got a major fan in its corner...

Paul Tudor of Tudor Investments Corp says he is now investing in bitcoin futures due to the increasing money supply from Central Bank printing as well as the coming digitization of money.

Specifically he said...

“The best profit-maximizing strategy is to own the fastest horse... and my bet is that will be bitcoin”


So, he thinks we are going to see inflation due to the excessive money printing going on globally...

This inflation is going to lead to inflating asset prices.

Of those inflating asset prices, he said he wants to own the one that inflates more than the rest, or in this case, the fastest horse.

And according to him, he thinks that fastest horse that will be bitcoin.

He sees an incredible opportunity...

It is more than just a second half of 2020 type of story though...

Reading through his letter to his clients he mentions that he sees the opportunity in bitcoin currently similar to the opportunity he saw when he first started his career as a fund manager.

Specifically, the opportunity in the gold market back in the 1970's...

Which if you are not familiar, gold did basically a 5x in terms of returns in a 3 year stretch in the late 70's.

To him, bitcoin is in that same type of place currently:


Interestingly enough, a 5x return over the course of the next 3 years is actually lower than many in the crypto community are hoping to see as the stock to flow model points to about a 10x return over that same time frame.


One of the most successful investors of the last quarter century is now long bitcoin futures...

Paul runs one of the most successful hedge funds over the past 3+ decades.

They charge higher fees than most because they traditional have higher returns than most.

His claim to fame was shorting the stock market right before Black Monday in 1987 where he tripled his money in a very short time.

Interestingly enough, he was long bitcoin back in 2017 as well, but exited the position near the $20k peak and hadn't touched it since.

He said that now bitcoin looks interesting to him again for the first time in the last 2.5 years.

With the halving only days away and the downtrend likely over, it looks like pretty good timing on his part...

Even if he isn't buying bitcoin directly via spot markets, him getting long bitcoin will likely encourage other funds to pile in as well.

This is hugely bullish for bitcoin and crypto as a whole as a validation of the asset class.

It's going to be a fun next 12 months.

Stay informed my friends.



If someone says in the same line as me, then it must have some truth behind me... My mom did 6-fold her money with selling real estate. I did 8-fold with selling stocks.

Yeah, and since those Wall Street guys only have the well being of others in mind, it must be true...

What must be true?

That its a good idea to buy BTC now - while its at $ 10k.