A Spring Walk in the Woods - Old, New and Eternal

in GEMS4 years ago
These are from a couple walks in the woods near my home over the last couple days. We are finally starting to see spring here in the pine forests on the edge of the high desert. With renewal there are still signs of that which once lived and still provides for the life that is here now. Follow along as I stroll through the woods.

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The remains of an old tree. On a day when I didn't have my camera there was a bird clearing sawdust from one of the holes in this tree. He would go in and come to the edge to throw out some debris with his beak.

Another old sentinel in the forest.

Finally the wild flowers are starting to bloom.

I've seen an eagle on this tree before but again I didn't have my camera with me. Note to self... Always bring your camera when walking in the woods. :)

The old and new on the forest floor.

The forest floor begins to green as another old warrior stands guard.

More of the wild flowers beginning to bud and attracting insects.
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And finally a little more eternal feature watching the changes happen yet again.

Photos taken by me, @oldmans, with a Nikon D3300 and some Lightroom post processing.

Thanks for looking and enjoy your day!


What interesting photos. Thank you so much for sharing with us.
I haven't seen this in a long time. You have an amazing nature.
The beauty around you!

You're welcome! I am very lucky to have such nature so close to my home. 😀