How Do I Know If I Just Wrote A S@#-Post... They Don't Teach You This Stuff In School... A Personal Update...

in GEMS4 years ago

Well confession time Dear Reader... This is gonna by my version of a s@#t-post!

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Don't get too excited if you think it is gonna be a 500 word throw-it-out-there kinda post... What s@#t-post means for me is it will probably fall short of 2000 words and have only 6 images instead of 627.

The REAL problem is that I am so damn wordy... So verbose that I even make politicians and academics seem succinct. Whether I am writing, thinking or speaking it just goes on and on and on an... Well you get the picture!

I will let you in to the reason, I have had a long 12 hour shift at work today BUT even though I really should be going to bed now I am becoming addicted to writing and engaging again of late.

Sometimes even I wish the voice in my head would just shutup!

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Yes! I think that it is safe to say that my unplanned blockchain break due to ill health and a touch of depression related to said physical health issues did me the world of good. You know what they say...

You don't know what you have till it's gone.

Absence makes the heart grow fonder. ((or was it absinthe???))

You can lead a horse to Gibraltar but you can't make it sign up for yoga classes....

Not entirely sure where I hear that last quote now that I come to think about it... Maybe I had one of those dreams again.

Anyway I digress ((yet again!!!)) My unanticipated blockchain sabbatical allowed me to focus on my health again, drop some weight, lighten my spirit and somehow reconnect with happiness.

That was the longest and most utterly convoluted way of saying that even though I am dog-tired ((my dog always wants to play, day or night, wonder where the expression comes from?)) I really want to write a post before bed and a shorter one is less likely to involve my falling asleep on my keyboard and/or drooling on my mouse... I know, lovely image, right?

Even Holly's trying to prove me wrong now!


So here I am setting myself the task of creating a quick-post and trying to exercise brevity...

Yes, yes, yes! I see the irony in what I just said, considering me being this many words in to the post and having said abso-frikkin-lutely NOTHING AT ALL!!!

I wanted to share a little update with you all. It is far more interesting to me than it will be to you BUT a few friends who have been privvy to some video/photos of me of late have asked for this update. I am a member of many Discord communities and chat with many blockchain people daily. I have some awesome friends there whom I have met over the last two and a half years, many of them have become genuine real life friends and we have helped eachother through many difficult times in eachother's lives.

To cut a long story shortI ((I know...)) I got teased or rather roasted over a photo you may or may not have been assaulted by from a recent post of mine...

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You may or may not have realised by now where this is heading...

A friend from work ((I use the term loosely and somewhat dubiously)) even offered me an expensive bottle of single malt whiskey if I would carry on growing this monstrosity till Christmas. I should admit at this juncture, I was seriously considering it! 😁

However when I returned home and told my lovely lady about 'said offer' she made an incredibly valid point when explaining that we may need to sell our car and all of our worldly possessions in order to keep me stocked up with hair-gel till Christmas...

I NEED the hair-gel to tame this beast so that I am even able to leave my home without being chased by locals with flaming pitchforks. I must also point out that even when my hair is short I still use more gel than Ross Geller from friends!

Due to lockdown in the Uk, ((and I imagine almost everywhere)) hairdressers are still some time from opening and although I was going to move in to a cave in the local hills till they do open again, my lady again pointed out that we need my wage to pay for the two incredibly expensive adult Daughters that we somehow acquired at some point through the years... I don't remember exactly when, I just know that a loaf of bread used to last a few days, these days it lasts several hours and once upon a time I used to be able to watch things on my TV...

One of the aforementioned Daughters ((I just know her as Daughter one as she came first chronologically)) reckoned she may, possibly, perhaps be able to cut my hair without making it too catastrophic and traumatic as she once spent a few terms at college beginning to learn hairdressing before realising it wasn't for her...

How could I refuse such a tempting offer?

After many palpitations and an intense claustrophobic fug ((not a joke...)) THIS was the eventual result...

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Now I won't claim that it is perfect but WOW I feel so much lighter and so much better than I did. Who knew that one day, after 28 years having kids would finally pay off?

I jest of-course. If you know me you will know that my little family including Holly is the single most precious thing in my life. I am eternally grateful that I have them and that we have eachother. If I had to be in lockdown and trapped with 3 other people and one dog person this tribe of mine would have made it easy to last out a thousand years, three times over...

I was incredibly pleased that my Eldest Jade was willing to take the time ((and risk my vanity-driven-wrath)) to do this for me and I think she did a pretty bloody good job!

I hope you don't feel ripped off and wracked with anti-climatic feelings if you have stuck it out with me to the end!!! I hope my sense of humour after being awake for almost 20 hours did not send you running for the unfollow button.

I feel compelled to ask the question once more as I believe you may be in a better position to offer an answer now...

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Thank YOU for taking the time to read my post and if your one of those amazing people who like to hit the comments section... Then I doubly thank YOU!

Either way I want you to know that you are apreciated!

Keep taking the time to connect with eachother both here and in the so-called real world and try and look after eachother, because as you already know...

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