How to Make Sajwal Drink aka Basil Seeds Drink

in GEMS4 years ago

SajwalThumbnail 3.jpg

Hello everyone! Today I am going to share how to make Sajwal Drink. Sajwal is basically basil seeds. They are very healthy and cooling for the body. They make great chilled beverages during a warm day or just on any regular day when you feel like drinking something cooling.

Benefits of Sajwal

Sajwal or basil seeds, have many benefits. One of them is they work as a cooling agent for our body. They are suitable to be consumed during warm days. This drink is a healthy alternative to cooled soda drinks. Basil seeds also help to lower our blood sugar. Moreover, it is a rich source of fibre and good for our digestion. It also aids to reduce acidity and promotes gut health. There are more benefits but I will stop here for now and jump to the recipe.


  • Water

  • A lemon

  • Sugar

  • Basil seeds


The main ingredient is of course the sajwal, or the basil seeds. They are called biji selasih in Malay which is the local language in my country.


This is a closer look of the basil seeds.



First of all. make some sugar syrup by boiling some water and adding some sugar in it. My mother added about 2 tbsp of sugar for a jug. This will amount to about 6 servings. The reason for adding sugar is because the seeds don't really taste good so the drink will be pretty tasteless. Feel free to skip this if you prefer your drink without any sugar.

Let the sugar syrup cool. Then, get a large glass or container and pour some water to it. Add the sugar syrup. After that, add a teaspoon of basil seeds. Mix it and then put it in the fridge and leave it there for two hours. This will allow the soaked basil seeds to expand and chill to turn into a cooling drink.


After two hours, take the container out and pour it into a jug. The reason why we did not start making it directly in the jug is because it won't fit in the fridge due to the height. By now the basil seeds should have expanded and ready to be consumed. Add some sliced lemon as well for some flavouring.


Mix everything well. Here's a picture captured while mixing so it looks like a whirlwind :D


Sajwal Drink aka Basil Seeds Drink is ready!


So I accidentally drank it before taking another picture of it in a glass which is why it doesn't look full.


By the way, this is how expanded basil seeds look like. They will have a pearly, jelly like texture and soft enough to be swallowed directly.


This is how I feel when I drink Sajwal :D Thank you for dropping by and I hope that you have a great day!