Fresh Fruits Popsicles ~ SteemFoods Contest -23-| Homemade Delicious Ice Cream Recipe |

in SteemFoods3 years ago (edited)

Hello Steemians and @steemitfoods! How are you? I hope everyone is fine and enjoying your life with your family and loved ones. Today is a very hot day, the sun is glaring and burning fiercely. So I opened up the freezer and took out some fresh fruits popsicles that I made last night for SteemFoods Contest -23-| Homemade Delicious Ice Cream Recipe | by @steemitfoods. Refreshing fresh fruits popsicles best for a hot sunny day. It feels like eating fresh fruits when enjoying this pops. My favorite pops!

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First thing first, shopping for the items and the total that I have spent is RM111.16.

The receipts

Ingredients and moulds
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Cut the fruits and peel oranges
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Prepare the ice cream moulds

Arrange fruits inside the moulds



Pour Sprite into the moulds, I love Sprite for that zesty tangy test, you can use any juice to your choice or maybe your favorite carbonated drinks anything can, there is no strict rules to enjoy your pops.


Okay done, now chill this in the freezer overnight

Fresh Fruits Popsicle are ready


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Watching television and enjoying my fresh fruits popsicle :D
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My fresh fruits popsicles so refreshing for a hot sunny day

And that concludes my presentation for SteemFoods Contest -23-| Homemade Delicious Ice Cream Recipe | by @steemitfoods exclusive for the community. Thank you @steemitfoods @alikoc07 for organizing such a wonderful contest.

If you are interested to join this awesome contest, please visit this link below for more details:

That's all for now, wishing you a beautiful day ~ Life is Beautiful.

Take care and Stay Blessed!

Yours truly,

 3 years ago 

Se ven geniales muy colorido te felicito.saludos

 3 years ago 

Thank you so much @roquiro, I am happy you like it. Have A Nice Day and take care, cheers, ainie

 3 years ago 

Your participation in the contest I organized with the hashtag #steemfoods-icecream has been successfully approved. Thank you very much for sharing the delicious ice cream recipe you prepared at home in the SteemFoods Community in detail. :)

 3 years ago 

Thank you so much @alikoc07 for your kind curation and approval. Wishing you a pleasant weekend and take care, cheers, ainie