Cooking: Duck Curry for Family Gathering

in SteemFoods4 years ago

Duck curry with rice on my plate, late dinner after cooking and serving the guests

Hi there

I wish you all are well enough to see our kitchen, it has been a lot of recipes lately. I am happy to see that this community doesn't stop growing better.

Today I would like to share with you the way I cook to more than 70 invitees on short notice. It is a bit funny because I did not know the thing until someone told me that they were struggling for finding someone to cook for the family gathering.

On February 27th, I went to Banda Aceh for an official briefing regarding the ongoing field program in Pidie, Pidie Jaya, and Bireuen.

While I was in Banda Aceh, I took the chance to visit my older sister at her home. By the time I arrived, I saw some of the neighborhood were there discussing something, I did not know what they were talking about. One of them that knew me very well shouted at me and a wide smile on his face telling me that he was so happy to see me.

Without any hesitation, he told me how lucky they were for having me visit them right on time because they need someone to cook for 70 invitees for this evening at 20.00. He started to show me what had been available to cook 15 kg duck curry.

These were what they had had:

15 kg rice, 2 package seasonings, and 2 green "kluwih (Acehnese= Kulu, Sundanese= Kulur, Scient= Artocarpus camansi) for mixing vegetable and 2 kg potatoes

15 kg duck meat that had been cleaned and ready to be cooked

What did I do to prepare it in one go?

I need to think and calculate al thing to cover the situation right away. First of all, I need to cook rice for 70 people, so I will use about 12 kg of rice. I washed it thoroughly and soak it in the water for a little while and keep the water above the rice about 5 cm above the rice surface.

While preparing the rice, I called my friend to grind the ingredients as I needed to cook the curry. Actually, my friend has his own recipes but I need him to grind all the mentioned ingredients to be a complete seasoning. On short notice, all ingredients needed to be ready and would be taken by someone I asked for.

The Ingredients that needed to be ground for 15 kg duck meet

  1. 500 gr onions
  2. 250 gr garlic
  3. 150 gr ginger
  4. 150 gr Cayenne pepper
  5. 100 gr dried chili pepper
  6. 100 gr red chili pepper
  7. 3 pcs nutmeg
  8. 50 gr turmeric
  9. 100 galangal
  10. 250 gr peanut
  11. 200 gr candlenut

Other ingredients that I needed him to prepare

  1. 1 kg curry base (Ground toasted coconut)
  2. 5-liter coconut milk
  3. 100 gr curry leaves
  4. 300 gr sliced onion
  5. 50 gr Pandan Leaves
  6. 10 cm cinnamon
  7. 10 pcs cardamom
  8. Star seed
  9. 300 gm seasoning oil
  10. 400 gm salt (it depent on the amount of water)

(Actually, the seasoning quantities is not counted base on the quantities of the duck meat, but it is counted on how much water will be added to accommodate the number of people who will enjoy it)

How did I cook

Washing the rice and keep the water level to able to soak the rice in the water

The rice would be ready within 1.5 hours. I kept the rice warm enough for the guests

Mix the seasoning with the duck meat thoroughly

After mixing the duck meat and leave it for a little while, I souteed the sliced onion, curry leaves and pandan leaves, star seed, cardamom, cinnamon to produce the smile and savory taste.

When the savory aromatic came out from the souteed onion, add the soaked duck meat into the giant wok. Add water and coconut milk until the meat completely soaked.

The curry was on the heat and cooked well

Next step is preparing the additional vegetables; Kluwih and potatoes. These vegetables will be added he the meat are getting tender.


After adding the vagetable, add some more water and salt until it reaches the right curry taste

When the heavy sop is getting redder, that is the sign of the curry getting ready to be served with the steaming rice. Over all time needed to cook all these staff was 2 hours. I finished everything within 2 hour and served all the guests on time.

*The rest of the guest that I was able to take, after serving them with the food, they gave me a complement and nice comment after having dinner. You would not see the women because they sit at the other part of the place and I did not go there to take picture of them.

You dont see me on the pictures that I present to you because I had no time to asked someone else to take my picture, and i did not ask someone else photos of me. Sorry for those thing!

Thank you for enjoying my post and you can try the recipe at your home, and if you need the recipe for a kilo meat, I will explain it to you willingly

Thank you very much for supporting my post: @steemcurator01 @steemitfoods @steemcurator06 and all of you my fellow food lovers

This post is #steem-exclusive #steemexclusive #tron

Best Regards



It looks great. I have ate duck just one time

Mmmm, that looks so good!

I've never had duck before. A lot of people I know hunt wild ducks when the season is right. I had a friend once that was supposed to take me duck hunting, but he killed himself before the season came. I'm still mad at him for it lol

Delicioso. Felicidades

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