SteemFoods Upcoming Developments ! | Moderators Recruitment | User Verification System |

in SteemFoods3 years ago

Hello Everyone:

Today I will announce the Upcoming Developments in the SteemFoods Community. These developments are very important for the future. SteemFoods Community does not have any moderators other than its founder @alikoc07 and SteemFoods South East Asia Representative @el-nailul. The SteemFoods Community continues to grow, we need moderators from each country who can take a closer look at our participants. Today I am sharing two upcoming developments with you.

  • 1-) SteemFoods Country Moderators

  • 2-) User Verification System

SteemFoods Upcoming Developments.png

First of all, I will give detailed information about SteemFoods Country Moderators.

SteemFoods Country Moderators

The number of newcomers to the SteemFoods Community is increasing and we need country moderators who can engage them closely so that these participants can both better understand the steemit and improve their content in the SteemFoods Community. I am looking for moderators who can provide detailed information with the SteemFoods Community and encourage new participants from the country they will represent to produce content in the SteemFoods Community. I will be recruiting moderators for three countries right now.

  • Venezeula

  • Bangladesh

  • Steem Africa Region

If you have detailed information about SteemFoods Community and think that you can lead our participants in your country, you can comment under this post. As an extra, you can contact me on discord.

User Verification System

The User Verification System is necessary to get to know our participants in the SteemFoods Community better. The main reason for this is that some steemit users have more than one steemit account and they try to get vote support by producing content in many communities with these accounts.

How Does User Verification System - When Will It Happen - Verified Account Badge?

User authentication system will be very simple. It will be sufficient to write your steemit user name and date on a piece of paper and share a selfie photo in the comment section. I will distribute a "Verified Account Badge" to all participants who perform user verification. I'll add this badge with your name. ()

After successfully recruiting a moderator to SteemFoods Community, I will share the detailed announcement about "User Verification System".

SteemFoods Verification System.png


Quick Delegation Links:

50 SP

100 SP

250 SP

500 SP

1000 SP

2500 SP


Background Photos Source


Hello @alikoc07 . congratulations for your great work in steemfood community.Very nicely spoken. It is a fact that many people in this team are trying to get votes by using more than one ID. I am very happy to hear that a moderator will be taken from Bangladesh. I've been posting on Steam for a long time. I post according to all the rules. Selected in my last post. Many people in our country are currently posting on Steam Foot. I hope if I am made a moderator then I will be able to follow the proper rules and help newcomers.i hope you will give me a chance to prove me a good moderator.
Thank you 😌.

Hello @alikoc07. At first I want to congratulate you for your great success. I am a big fan of your work. You really worked hard to build this community and I have respect for that. I liked this idea of adding moderators from other countries. I want to apply for moderator role from Bangladesh. I am willing to work for this community. I have been involved with this community for many months. I posted many food recipes and blogs in this community. So I have ideas about foods. Specially Bangladeshi foods. Beside I can help to increase activities of Bangladeshi people more in this community. Hope you will give me a chance to do something for this community. Currently I have been planning for powering down but in future I will delecate to support this community. Waiting for your response.

Best wishes from Bangladesh 🇧🇩❤️

The idea of recruiting/having country or region representatives sounds great. They surely can invite and inspire more people to join this amazing food community. Also, they can guide and teach.
I'm from Bangladesh and being around this community for a while. It would be amazing to see myself or someone who well deserves to be a moderator for this community from Bangladesh.
Looking forward to the updates.

they surely can invite and inspire more people to join this amazing food community.

And that would be awesome :)

Thats really a tough job for steemfoods specially @alikoc07 to check all the people participating in the contests and posting in steemfoods so country moderators are really important.
I am janemorane from Pakistan, many people from Pakistan are making quality and original posts in steemfoods and I can do the job of the moderator for steemfoods actually It will be honor for me to represent my country..
Best regards

 3 years ago 

Hello :

Thank you for attention. In the SteemFoods Community, we don't have many participants from Pakistan at the moment, but by recruiting a moderator from Pakistan, we can reach more participants. I will evaluate your application. :)

Yes I will motivate more people from my community to join steemfoods and post there, it will be an honor.
Thanks for your reply..

Buenas tardes buena información pero una pregunta en esta misma publicación tenemos que agregar el selfie o en qué parte.


 3 years ago 

Excelente iniciativa amigo @alikoc07 es un gran honor ver cómo la comunidad sigue creciendo eso es muestra de lo grandioso que ha sido el trabajo fuerte de todos y de ti principalmente como creador realmente necesitas apoyo y ayuda para que todos los usuarios queden satisfechos y sigan publicando de mi parte cuentas con mi apoyo por parte de Venezuela que somos muchísimos los usuarios, saludos y muchas bendiciones para ti..!!


When it comes to the account verification system, it will be a bit difficult to do. As it can be shown someone else pictures if it is only one go.

The other way that we can do it is by including selfie photos on each and every steemfoods post such as cooking their own recipe or contest or so for at least 1 week. By doing this way, the account can be verified precisely. The other way is by the help from the steemit team to check their account activities and IP address.

Secondly, every post need to be checked as steem-exclusive and not double post on the other platform

Is that possible to get that way?


Best Regards

 3 years ago 

Hello :

Unfortunately, it will be very difficult to track the activities of a user on the IP and steemit platform. The main purpose of this system is to get to know our participants and enable users with two steemit accounts to use only one account in the SteemFoods Community. In the first place, the User Verification System will be very simply writing the name and date of the steemit user name on a paper and sharing a selfie photo. I will give a "Verified Account Badge" to our participants who perform the user verification process. After recruiting a new moderator, I will share a more detailed post about "User Verification System".

  • I can easily check if all posts in the SteemFoods Community are steem-only. We try to give voting support to our participants who produce only steem-exclusive content. In this way, there was a huge increase in steem-exclusive posts.

Excelente iniciativa amigo me encanta esta comunidad y sigue creciendo... Saludos

Como siempre SteemFoods @alikoc07 en compañia de @el-nailul trabajando de una manera planificada, ofrezco mi participación activa para trabajar en equipo con usted desde Venezuela, para mi seria un honor formar parte de su equipo de trabajo y contribuir con el crecimiento de esta comunidad desde mi país.

A disposición, ya con planes :) .

Thank you for your proposal, @alikoc07 will look at this. And thank you very much for your active participation in this community @rypo01

Best Regards

Muchas gracias a ustedes por sus importantes ideas y trabajo fuerte dedicado a Steemit, El ÉXITO es el resultado de cada hora dedicada a este buen trabajo.

Feliz día.

 3 years ago 

Gracias por su atención. Me comunicaré contigo acerca de la moderación a través de la discordia.

Muchas gracias estimado @alikoc07 con gusto estaré esperándolo, feliz y exitoso día.

 3 years ago 

Voto por ti amiga aunque no haya votaciones jejeje. Admiro mucho tu trabajo. Es excelente 👍

Muchas gracias estimada @nahela por tu apoyo, para mi es valioso y un honor leer esto, GRACIAS, GRACIAS, GRACIAS.... Y si hay votaciones, pero de los lideres que esta evaluando y decidiendo entre el gran grupo de Venezolanos con grandes capacidades y multiples ideas para hacer crecer Steemit y Steemfoods que nos postulamos... Que sea la voluntad de Dios principalmente y de ellos...

Que tengas un día EXITOSO y productivo.