What's your opinion on DINK families?, Pakistan

Assalam u Alaikum,
First of all, I am grateful that such a great competition was presented to us, in which we are getting the opportunity to express our opinions and we can freely share our thoughts.Today, when the last date of this competition is, I saw this competition. But I considered it necessary to try my best. Because maybe my effort will be of some use.

DINK Families

Nowadays, the dink family has become very popular in our society. That is, the boy and the girl insist on marrying according to their choice. And after marriage, they express their displeasure at the birth of children. Because they do not tolerate the presence of a third party between them. Or it can be said that they like to live an independent life. They do not like to accept the responsibility of children. Because both the boy and the girl like to work and bear their own expenses. Both like to live their lives as a burden on each other. And they adopt the dunk family method.



I Don't like DINK

My mood is one of gathering. I like the presence of many people around me. Especially the presence of children. Children are the beauty of the universe. Those who are not blessed by GOD with children, they value children the most. I cannot thank my Lord enough for blessing me with a blessing like children.
When my marriage passed a little while ago, I started wanting children a lot. Although, if I don't have children after a year or two, then there is no shame in it. But I have already told you that I like children a lot. It was the power of my Allah, that He blessed me with children right after marriage. But now, my test was probably approved by Allah. That is why my son passed away. After his death, I started wanting children a lot. Although everyone used to console me that, if the husband and wife are healthy, Allah Almighty will give me more children. But what would I do with the woman inside me, who loves the presence of children immensely.
Even today, my thinking is that the more children there are, the better. Most people are afraid of the responsibilities of children. And they like to stay behind in their work and raising them. But what I dislike about children is their illness. Such a situation in which children get sick is unbearable for me.
Children make us feel their beauty and tenderness and love. I myself also belong to a large family. Where we eleven siblings lived together. And eel happiness with eachother.


Why I don't like DINK

A big reason why I dislike the Dink family is that, when a person steps towards old age, he needs some support. At such a time, if a life partner passes away, his children become his support.
The joint family system is prevalent in the East. And children like to keep their parents with them. And they especially consider it an honor to serve their elderly parents. If they are not lucky enough to have elderly parents, their lives are also very stressful. But most people are also liking to follow the Western style. And they leave their parents alone and like to live their own lives.
But a person who raises his children himself and those children leave him in old age, then that person's heart becomes like an autumn leaf that has fallen from its branch and fallen to the ground. And the wind is blowing it here and there. Loving and caring children are a blessing from Allah for us. They are a support in our old age and a peace of mind.



At the end of the post, I would like to give you a piece of advice: consider a blessing like children as a favor from Allah and instead of raising them as a burden, raise them with joy and love, then it will be helpful for you in your future.


Thank you.
I would like to invite some honourable people.