in Boylikegirl Club3 months ago

Sometimes you need to make a stand!😊
“ Be careful PEPE those rocks are slippery you might fall down! “ 😳
PEPE wasn’t listening, and sometimes Silvertop can behave the same as his green friend!🐸
Silvertop was hearing the same warning from our hiking companion Jan, when he jumped up on this wooden bench!😮
Jan’s husband took a nasty fall a while back, and she was simply looking out for Silvertop safety, when he decided to imitate PEPE! 😇
Fast forward to this morning……………
The Mrs will tell you “ Grace isn’t her middle name “ 🥰
Usually Silvertop is the opposite………..☺️
My adventure seeking youngest son is the same, he takes after his dad!😍
Dad just draws the line when it comes to jumping out of a perfectly good airplane Lol! 😳
Silvertop has spent many years downhill skiing, homebuilding, motorcycle riding, flying his own plane……………..
You get the picture………😇
Today Cot watched Dad with a disapproving look on his face!😺
I was “Cutting in“….. painting the drywall where I had removed our old bedroom window yesterday.
I was holding a paint brush in one hand, and a full painter cup in the other hand.
The next paragraph is not for the faint of heart Lol!!😳
I traversed from a chair, to standing on top of an end table…….. no worries, I just needed to touch up that top corner……….
Have you ever had the experience of slow motion, when something very bad is about to happen?😮
The end table rocked………..
Silvertop wasn’t vertical anymore, and white paint was traveling through the air!😳
I landed hard………I looked around to see the damage!
Luckily, I had put down drop-cloths!
Most of the “damage” was to my tailbone….OUCH!
“ Cot, it’s probably a good thing Mom is at work Lol! “
Cot backed away……. trying to process what Dad was doing, and why after taking away HIS window, now I was flinging white paint around Lol! 😸
“ I think after I clean up, Dad needs to take a hiking break son! “ 😅
I think Silvertop hurt more than his pride today…….. OUCH!🙄
Till tomorrow don’t try THIS at home, Silvertop Mike😊