Development of Automated Curation Report - SDS API - Helpful for Curators

in Steem Dev22 days ago

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Hello Steemians,

I am excited to share with you my recent development for automating to generate the curation report using SDS API that are developed by @Steemchiller. It is created to automated system that fetches voting posts with voting weight from the Steem blockchain then compile it to make a formatted curation report. Manually compiling curation reports take a lot of time and also cause for errors facing in data preparation. By automating this process, curators can save valuable time and ensure accuracy in their reports.

Language and API.

  • SDS API: For data fetching
  • JavaScript Language: For server-side scripting and report automation.
  • SteemJS LIB: Library for report broadcasting.

For this development I have use a function in which we hit the SDS API to get the curation info of curators by using date parameters. I will cover this topic within two posts in this post. i will share the function to give the date parameter in UNIX format and get the data from Api but in second part we will make a formatted body for post and write the broadcasting function


function getSystemDateRangeUnix() {
  const currentDateMillis =;
  const pakistanOffsetMillis = 5 * 60 * 60 * 1000;
  const dtt = currentDateMillis + pakistanOffsetMillis;
  const fromDateMillis = dtt - (2 * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000);
  const toDateMillis = dtt - (1 * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000);
  return {
    fromDate: Math.floor(fromDateMillis / 1000),
    toDate: Math.floor(toDateMillis / 1000)

function convertUnixToDate(unixTimestamp) {
  const date = new Date(unixTimestamp * 1000);
  return date.toISOString().slice(0, 10); // Return date in YYYY-MM-DD format

const dateRangeUnix = getSystemDateRangeUnix();
const fdate = dateRangeUnix.fromDate;
const tdate = dateRangeUnix.toDate;

const api1 = `,comment/${fdate}-${tdate}`;

let data;

  .then(response => response.json())
  .then(apiData => {
    data = apiData.result.rows;
    console.log('data', data);

    const filteredData = data.filter(innerArray => innerArray[6][1].voter === 'beautycreativity');
    const convertedArray =, index) => {
      const dauthor = innerArray[6][1].author;
      const dpermlink = innerArray[6][1].permlink;
      const dvoter = innerArray[6][1].voter;
      const dweight = innerArray[6][1].weight / 100;
      return [index + 1, dauthor, dpermlink, dvoter, dweight];

    console.log('Converted Array:', convertedArray);

    const readableFromDate = convertUnixToDate(fdate);
    const readableToDate = convertUnixToDate(tdate);

    console.log('Readable From Date:', readableFromDate);
    console.log('Readable To Date:', readableToDate);

  .catch(error => {
    console.error('Error fetching data from api1:', error);

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Special Thanks.

Cc: @rme
Cc: @hungry-griffin
Cc: @steemcurator01
Cc: @steemchiller
Cc: @pennsif

Thanks for giving your precious time to my post.
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