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RE: 👨🏻‍💻 Condenser: Documenting Sitemap

in Steem Dev5 months ago

I suppose that doesn't matter if I remove the column 😅

I think so. :-D
At this point, I'm just thinking about how far Stinc. would go with the change. Have you ever thought about this? Of course, it would be best if the team would get in touch here, but nothing seems to be happening...
Of course you can still work on it, but there is a risk that Steemit will not put the result on its servers. The only option would be to host the site yourself, but that wouldn't be the ideal situation, would it?

as the "Avatar" area is very much "Mine".


It'll definitely be on the JavaScript side of the fence that I was initially hoping to avoid.

Javascript is now also responsible for some creative "gimmicks". CSS or SCSS alone is usually no longer enough. You'll see what happens. Sometimes it's also good to let something like this come to you.

 5 months ago 

Of course, it would be best if the team would get in touch here, but nothing seems to be happening...

I think they're too busy checking to see if the moderators that have booming support are validating posts quickly enough!

Of course you can still work on it, but there is a risk that Steemit will not put the result on its servers.

I don't know what the consequence of that is... my understanding (could be wrong) is that if the majority of the witness nodes are updated to reflect the changes, then the changes will be displayed... otherwise, there's no decentralisation...?

 5 months ago 

if the majority of the witness nodes are updated to reflect the changes, then the changes will be displayed

Unfortunately, this does not apply to Steemit - i.e. the Condenser. This is only the case for the blockchain. The site is only hosted and maintained by Stinc. The witnesses have no access to their servers, unless they are employed by Stinc. This is probably one of the reasons why the current difficulties are not being resolved...

Of course, as a witness I can also host the site, but that would just be a (customised) copy on a different domain. Like I did for a while on, for example. But not directly on

Unfortunately, only the Steem is decentralised...

 5 months ago 

Oh, ok. That's interesting. I suppose that if Steemit don't want it, then it becomes its own front-end like SteemPeakd was - although I'm not sure I want the responsibility of hosting something like that myself!

I suppose we'll cross that bridge when we come to it 🙂