Tweet feed bot report generating stats ( 26th October , 2024 - 2nd Novenber, 2024 )

Hello, Everyone.
Hope all are well. We all knew that Nowadays X (formerly Twitter ) is the most popular social media platform. For promoting Steemit, we thought X (formerly Twitter ) would be a great medium. If every steemian shared their steemit posts on X (formerly Twitter ), Then Lots of people would be interest about steemit and we could find lots of good authors on steemit. To encourage users about X (formerly Twitter ) promotion we are doing some great projects from steem alliance community. Tweet feed discord Bot is One of that initiative , Around 11 month ago we took that initiative , Using Tweet feed discord Bot any user can find out their community twitter steemit link sharing statistic easily. And now around 20+ community share their X (formerly Twitter ) statistic report using tweetfeed discord bot. you can find deltails about tweetfeed discord bot from this post -
Now i share a list How much report has been generate throughout this week ( 26th October , 2024 - 2nd Novenber, 2024 ) using Tweet feed Bot. Let start..
sl No. | Report Generator Discord Id | community name | community Tag | Date |
1 | solaymann | Steem For Lifestyle | hive-183369 | 26/10/2024 |
2 | Pea07 | Hindwhale Community | hive-179660 | 26/10/2024 |
3 | dasudi | Steemit Iron Chef | hive-180301 | 27/10/2024 |
4 | bountyking5 | Beauty of Creativity | hive-144064 | 27/10/2024 |
5 | bonaventure24 | Traveling Steem | hive-188972 | 27/10/2024 |
6 | adeljose | WORLD OF XPILAR | hive-185836 | 27/10/2024 |
7 | simonnwigwe | Steem Kids & Parents | hive-139765 | 27/10/2024 |
8 | simonnwigwe | Steem4Nigeria | hive-147599 | 27/10/2024 |
9 | xkool24 | Steem-Agro | hive-118902 | 28/10/2024 |
10 | msharif | Steem For Bangladesh | hive-170554 | 28/10/2024 |
11 | ashkhan | Steem Fashion&Style | hive-126193 | 28/10//2024 |
12 | malikusman | Steem4Bloggers | hive-109435 | 28/10/2024 |
13 | shuvo35 | আমার বাংলা ব্লগ | hive-129948 | 29/10/2024 |
14 | alsarzilsiam | Steem Alliance | hive-150122 | 29/10/2024 |
15 | bountyking5 | Beauty of Creativity | hive-144064 | 30/10/2024 |
16 | Alejos7ven | Comunidad Latina | hive-170554 | 30/10/2024 |
17 | mostofajaman | Steem For Bangladesh | hive-170554 | 31/10/2024 |
18 | Sagor1233 | Tron Fan Club | hive-183397 | 01/11/2024 |
19 | theentertainer01 | CCS | hive-109690 | 02/11/2024 |
If anyone want to know their community X (formerly Twitter ) statistic, first join Steem Alliance discord server. Then Go To Bot-command channel and follow pin message.
Thank you.
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